HuntTalk Meat Hunt?


Dec 17, 2000
Bountiful, Utah
OK guys (and gals), I have been given permission :D from my good half to go after an elk next year in Wyoming. We have made my previous elk last about as long as we can, and the freezer will be bare by next fall. I was wondering if anyone is up for another HT trip to Wyoming to go after elk, either full price or the reduced price cow hunt like last time. Never too early to start planning for it in my opinion.

Any takers?
When the hunt would be really depends on whether it is a full price regular season, or one of the reduced price hunts...those temd to run a little later in some parts of Wyoming. I am up for just about anything. I haven't gone after elk for 2 seasons and I am starting to go through withdrawals.

My name is Tim and I am an elkaholic (Moosie, is that term patented?)
I'm thinking of going after a cow elk over the Thanksgiving weekend this year for the predation hunt up at Jackson Hole. I think the non res tags are about $225. The Flat Creek Inn in Jackson has reasonable rates, and chances of shooting an elk are pretty good. Anyone else interested in meat hunt this year?
Hi all, Alex here from the old board.
Moosie and I have been trying to get my name thing to work without success. So I re-registered with my company address.
Anyways I noticed you guys are planning a trip to Wyoming.
Since I have never been out there it seems like a perfect opportunity so see this neck of the woods.
I called and talked to Moosie and he indicitated that we would probably be more than welcome to join in.
Hopefully you that have done this hunt b4 can help me out.
1. Since we lost our best 4x4 this year hunting in colorado, can we do this hunt in a 2x2 (trust me when i say our back up 4x4 is in dire straights). Are we restricted to the tourist roads or is it better to get offroad?
2. Are you hunting in the National forest or on the elk reserve?
3. Do you reccomend camping out or staying in a motel (I've never had the opportunity to hunt from a motel but it would be a treat to be clean and warm).

BTW, I am a licensed Captain and my hunting buddy is a certified diving instructor, both have boats if anybody ever wants to come catch some tuna, yellowtail, bass, marlin, sharks, etc. Or better yet bring a bunch of you down to Mexico and show you around the tuna grounds.
Tight lines,
Capt, Alex
A 31 Bertram? Diesel or gas? Used to run one a long time ago. Nice little boat.

We have a late season (November) reduced price cow/calf hunt here in Laramie, Wyoming that I'd be happy to help you guys out with or accompany you on. I usually draw this tag as a back up because I don't usually get a bull tag. Can provide more info in wanted.
WyoTim, The tuna season is mostly summer, were waiting right now to see if we have a late season run on the larger fish. However this has been a dismal season and it dosen't appear to be improving. We did well this year by leaving a boat in Mexico and enjoying the beer, Tacos and $1.70 diesel fuel. Got our butts kicked every day but still managed to outfish the fleet and do pretty well on every trip.
Keep in touch when the season approaches. Have you done this Teton hunt before?

Dan, Yeah were cheap and lazy so all we can afford are diesels, my boat has the cummins 6BT's so she zips right along. Were just completing the full restoration with a radiused settee to port and a teak and granite galley to stbd, the inside is all faired out with all that dated crap removed.

Krs, I've never been to Laramie, that sounds like a blast! I'm very interested if the guys don't do the Teton hunt. What would be the ideal dates? What elevation will the cows be down to and whats the hunting like.

Thanks guys, I'm competly freaked out that i'm gunna get killed by a bus or bird flu b 4 I go to all these places.....Alex
Well I know from being here in Casper, WY .. we havent had any snow that has stuck to the ground. So the elk are still pretty high and not really moving out yet. The place I hunt the season is extremely long it runs from Oct 15 to Dec 10.
31Bertram - I have never done the predation hunt....when I lived in Laramie I always just bought the general tag b/c of all the area west of Laramie through the Snowy's and Madres that I could hunt...only failed to tag out 1 of 4 years. Now though, living in Nebraska, I am limited in my elk hunting opportunities. I am thinking Wyoming b/c I know the areas I can go to hunt. I am just debating on a full price hunt (park bull dream hunt or a normal hunt around Encampment) or getting a predation hunt for the Teton area. I think they have opened a few more reduced price cow/calf areas around Larmaie than when I was there.

I will not be able to do it this year, but definately for 2006. Unless I can find a better deal to another state like Idaho or Montanny, but from what Mossie and Greenhorn say, there are no elk in those places worth the effort ;)
For those who don't really know about it...

The predation hunt is a great hunt and get together with the crew...

I don't think I could make it down there this year, even for a visit, but I may really be in the market to jump in on it next year...

If I end up down there, I would take any one up as I did Doug and his buddy, PM Doug to see what thats like...

If I can't go, I sure hope the rest of you have a great time...

ELK 079-6
OCT 20 - DEC 4

671 tags left, that's quite a few left for sure.

Sounds like you're doing a good job of it. I sold my Bertram and bought a 36 Pacifica then sold that and bought a 44. Now I'm happier than ever. I don't own a boat.

They are a lot of fun when you aren't paying for something though..

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