Yeti GOBOX Collection

Hunting with the boy's 2021


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2018

This year an all boy's camp trip. Home meals cooked and vac sealed. Mac & cheese, Moose Taco meat, spaghetti. Brought moose kielbasa & moose polish sausage, had potatoes, onions, carrots and corn. All kinds of goodness! We took off to check out some old track noted on the maps. We had a goal, a destination to achieve. Two full weeks to enjoy camping in the Alaska wilderness. Traveling to the trail head after sun down, we spotted porcupine and red fox on the road. The aurora danced boldly through the clouds. A crisp cool night! At first light, coffee and breakfast. Off we go. In the beginning everything is easy, it's where everyone goes, then further on, a few spots get sticky. Picking our way along, we followed a path set by others years before. Slow progression, forward progress. We spotted two bulls while slowly motoring. One a 40" class moose, the other, one of the largest forks I've ever seen! Forks are legal but, It's day ONE! These animals were scoped and admired. We pressed on. Hours navigating the swamps, I lost trail for a bit, and in front of me, I see white flags flashing. It's mid day, kinda hot and buggy. We are in the swamps, wet lands, No where to camp for miles. We stop to check it out. We have packed for a two week moose hunt. Got beans, bullets, and some beer. Kid snacks of every kind. Here in front of me, is a very legal bull! It's day ONE! Standing belly deep in a lake, feeding on underwater delicacies. We watched as he submerged a number of times. Guessed him 60" plus bull. This was a very, very, very difficult moment for the reasons mentioned. I captured him on camera and after awhile of observing this toad of a moose we motored on, toward our desired and chosen destination. A place we have never been.
WOW. These moose stories are something else. I'm pretty sure I'd have shot that moose just as quickly on day one as I'd have on day ten. What an adventure that looks like though!
Bull Moose.JPG

Just after first light, a big bull appears, moving through the trees. At just over a mile, he's a two x three brow tine, but looking like a big boy. The kid packs up and heads out for a closer look. The boys are sleeping. A frosty crisp morning. While glassing, some caribou walk by.

bou 0.png

Peering through my scope, I see him drop his pack and start brush scraping with a scapula, to his right in the spruce a white flag shows. Both disappear and several moments go by, then shots echo up the hill side. I walked back to camp to start coffee and wake the boys. We have a moose to get.
Over a quick breakfast,
The story goes, "the hike was on to the moose location, scraping produced an aggressive and
immediate response. Thrashing and bull grunts went back and forth for several minutes as the bull moved closer. Then he came out and was confirmed 50+. Boom."
He did not check on the bull right away. The spot noted and he started the hike back up to camp. All the time questioning his judgement. "He looked better than fifty". We'll soon find out.
Collected up the moose recovery gear and headed down the hill.


Arriving at the kill site, the bull fell with antlers embedded into the ground on one side. A quick tape measure had 58" showing. Hell yeah and high fives!

moose.png61 inch moose.JPG

This guy is a HOG!
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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