Hunting in Wyoming!

pa ridge-runner

New member
Aug 23, 2003
Pennsylvania -pocono mtns
Hi Fella's
To say I'm new here would be an understatement,as you can see this is my very first post!I'm 55 yo and have been hunting for about 30 yrs now (late starter).I have hunted all the species here in pennsylvania and have been fairly sucessfull.Have taken approx 25 W.T. deer of which about 20 were bucks.Nothing big enough to mount.Mostly scrapy 4's 5's and 6's.eastern count.I am an avid turkey hunter and have been very sucessfull and take a nice bird (almost he he) every year.Also have done quite a bit of small game(rabbit,grouse,pheasant,doves,etc) hunting.I do my share of fishing and ,like most of us,love the outdoors!I hope I can contribute some knowledge and also learn some from this site.
I will be going to Wyoming this October,the 16-23 and plan to do a diy hunt in Region C.This is my second trip to Wy.I did a mulie hunt last year in Region H but have to say that it was a poor choice.Didnt care for the outfitter and saw very little game.I hunted with a buddy of mine and we both, along with everyone in camp went home empty.Was told that there are alot of deer in the area around Gillette,so, plan to hunt that area on BML land.Most of the info I have gotten has said that finding a place to hunt can be difficult,also have heard the deer are very small racked.After the bad experience I had last year I swore I wouldn't do an outfiitter this time.I'm a working man and a trip out west costs me alot.I hope to bring back a trophy buck this year even if its not a monster it will be a trophy to me.Any comments,good or bad will be appreciated.Thanx to all!!
Welcome PA RR.

Gee thanks, I am headed to H next week. I hope it turns out better for me.
I am going DIY as well, but even if I don't find the big one, I know it will be a great time anyway.

I will be gone for the next two weeks, but I hope to see your results when I get back.

You shold be able to find something decent around the Razor City (Gillette)
Welcome to Hunttalk, PA-RR. I don't know much about Wyo., but good luck on your hunt. Be sure and stop back in to let us know how it goes.

Way to stick a needle in mtmiller's balloon!

Thanks for the welcome!Mt miller-hope you do better than I did.Found out too late that area I hunted last year is supposed to be a trophy area.I hunted just north of Pinedale at the New Fork lake.Saw some nice elk there but prob only half a dozen deer total in 5 was above normal hot,maybe it will be cooler for you.Scenery was outstanding!! pa r-r
P.S.Region H is a tough draw-" GOOD LUCK"

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-08-2003 04:58: Message edited by: pa ridge-runner ]</font>
Welcome to Hunt Talk pa ridge-runner. Sorry to hear about your hunt last year. Hope you have a great hunt this season.

Good luck mtmiller.
pa ridge runner -
I'll be hunting region "C" myself October 10th thru 20th. We've hunted that region about five times now.

We always see plenty of deer, but Mr. Big has managed to elude me. That region is huge, and there's plenty of hunting there if you have good maps so you can tell what's private, BLM, state, etc.

There is some really awesome looking ground along the Powder river west of Gillette that intrigues me. Looks like one of those places you won't see many deer, but you might just whack a big un. Rugged, deep canyons and steep hills, very arid and unforgiving looking country.

Good luck, and let us know how you do.
Thanks for all the friendly welcomes!!I appreciate your comments.
STEINY,I plan to hunt that area west of Gillette.There is quite a bit of BLM land there and I have heard the area is as you described....plenty of large draws,sort of barren.I have talked with a fella who has hunted it quite a bit and they have done O.K.I dont think its known as a big buck area though,but I'm sure there are some big ones around.Where have you hunted before in Region C?Have you ever tried the spotted horse area or the nat grass lands near weston??
We used to have a private ranch to hunt near Spotted Horse, but lost it when they leased to an outfitter.

Better take a packframe if you hunt those Powder River breaks, cause you'll play heck dragging one out of those rough canyons. Bone him out and pack him out in pieces.

There's some good looking country down around Kaycee too, lots of BLM.
Welcome aboard, I know it's a little late, but I have been a little predisposed this summer chasing fires...

Welcome pa ridge-runner!!!
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