Hunt show gripes

Another one of those threads that makes me so happy to live in the west.
Some how, I ended up on UnderArmour's mailing list. Open up their flyer to find this crap:

Using a dead animal as a prop? Show some freaking respect.


Or the thing that really pisses me off, adding to the BS that hunting is some type of competition.


More reason to never give the leaches at UA a penny of my money.
Everyone has a way they like to hunt thats whats makes things intresting if we all wanted to do the same thing in the same place it probabaly wouldn't be to easy to go hunting it would be crowded. Im from the south born and raised moved to nebraska then to montana because i love to hunt elk but i love the south also some of the friendliest people in the country and great food, hard to get good food in the west besides steak all the time. Their are idiots every where you go regardless of the part of the country you are in missoula is full of them. I do know in the south if i meet some one they usually are more friendly than people at west. But maybe its me dont know dont care .So does it really matter where you are from, good people are good people no matter where you meet them.
belly-deep, then why don't you come down South and try it. I'm certainly not looney, but I'll guarantee you that you'll shit your britches the first time you go into the swamp and can't figure out how to get back out, especially when there's a big bull 'gator lounging around at the bottom of the tree you're sitting in.......the same tree that the cotton mouth is hanging from a branch near your tree stand while you're trying to spot a deer coming in to your corn pile through the brambles, briars, mulberry thickets, and cypress trees that are thick with Spanish moss!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I also forgot to mention the yellow jacket nest right above your head and the velvet ants that are crawling all over you while the 'skeeters are arguing over whether to eat you there are tote you off so that the big ones won't steal you from them!
belly-deep, then why don't you come down South and try it. I'm certainly not looney, but I'll guarantee you that you'll shit your britches the first time you go into the swamp and can't figure out how to get back out, especially when there's a big bull 'gator lounging around at the bottom of the tree you're sitting in.......the same tree that the cotton mouth is hanging from a branch near your tree stand while you're trying to spot a deer coming in to your corn pile through the brambles, briars, mulberry thickets, and cypress trees that are thick with Spanish moss!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I also forgot to mention the yellow jacket nest right above your head and the velvet ants that are crawling all over you while the 'skeeters are arguing over whether to eat you there are tote you off so that the big ones won't steal you from them!

Jesus, that sounds downright terrifying!


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