Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Hoyt supports SFW/BGF!


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
For all who may have or are thinking of a Hoyt bow, you may want to re-consider. Although Randy Walk with Hoyt Archery does repeat the successful history of game comeback in this country he quickly becomes embroiled in the SFW/BGF mantra in his words and actions.

"The Western States make up one of the most beautiful and diverse places in the United States with an incredible variety of Wildlife such as Rocky Mountain Elk, Moose, Mule Deer, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Whitetail Deer, Antelope, American Bison, and Wild Turkeys. Over the past 100 years conservationist and sportsmen have worked together to improve and increase Wildlife diversity in the West with outstanding success. Recently the poor management of wolves in the west and the political limitations imposed that specifically restrict our western state governments ability to manage wildlife is a serious threat that will destroy the vast majority of our past efforts. Anti-hunting efforts remains a strong concern for all wildlife and conservationists, but far more devastating is the un-managed imported Canadian Grey Wolf. Un-managed wolves increase in populations exponentially and destroy other wildlife at an even faster pace. It is vitally important to our western heritage to manage wolves and protect western wildlife diversity and abundance. Please join Big Game Forever and help protect the west from the devastating impact of un-managed Canadian Grey Wolves."
—Randy Walk
Hoyt Archery, Inc.
Excuse my ignorance of such matters and organizations, but I'm really confused by this post. Is what he is saying good or bad? Seems good to me (managing wolves). Is it the organizations that are bad?


Here's some reading info. There's a ton of it concerning these dudes.

That was too involved for me :D As I understand it BGF and Sportsmen for Wildlife (SFW) are crooked organizations using things like the wolf issue to line their own pockets and advance their own agenda which includes privatizing wildlife so the rich can pay big money to hunt them. I (and shoots-straight) know for a fact that SFW was on the wrong side of virtually every Montana wildlife bill this session - even one that would use hunter dollars to slaughter elk.
I read the whole article. The states and BGF want full control of their wildlife and for the feds to butt out. I still don't see why we are boycotting them? What am I missing here?

They worked very hard behind the scenes to stop the Simpson/Tester rider that was attached to an appropriations bill. That rider was what got wolves delisted for Idaho and Montana. They claimed all those real credible groups were with them, when in reality they weren't. They also said that those other bills in the link I provided where why they fought the rider. They knew those bills had zero chance of movement in congress.

They stand to lose a lot of donations from both individuals and stupid state legislatures like Utahs, if the wolf gets off the list totally.

They aren't for the North American model of wildlife conservation, and openly admit that.

Don Peay founder of SFW is in the same building as Ryan Benson at BGF. They feed from the same tit using the same propaganda to get people to throw them money..

After they threw Montana and Idaho under the Bus, they then had the gall to try and take credit for the delisting.

Their groups tax form (if you can call it that) showed that of the money they take in only around 27% of that gets on the ground for wildlife. The rest goes to over head. You know like consulting fees to Benson and Peay.

They try and infiltrate other states to get them to follow the same model as Utah, but as of late things have backfired.

More will come out after the $300,000 dollars that Utah gave them to keep the wolves out of Utah, even though there is no plan to do so.

If you have a week, there's enough dirt on them to fill that period.
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well hell. now I have to stop shopping at wal-mart because of their affiliations. on second thought, going to keep shopping there and continue to shoot my hoyt bow. I'll let the westerners that tell me that hunting the way I do is wrong, worry about those organizations.
well hell. now I have to stop shopping at wal-mart because of their affiliations. on second thought, going to keep shopping there and continue to shoot my hoyt bow. I'll let the westerners that tell me that hunting the way I do is wrong, worry about those organizations.
Good idea. Someone once said: "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything".

Live life through your convictions. I don't shop from corrupt people, nor do any business with them.
Thanks for sharing this. In my opinion many good people are falling for the SFW/BGF scams and now whenever i shop for a new bow the Hoyts will be invisible to me.