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Hows the "Fat Off" doing??


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
I am at a 2 year low and broke under the 200 mark. Even though i haven't drawn any real hard core back country type of tag i want to be in shape this year, maybe it is a midlife crisis or something. I got up at 5AM this morning to beat the heat and did 31 miles on the Mt bike. the legs will be bulletproof this year and to celebrate at the end of the summer i think i will ship my used stinky Gay biker shorts to Greenhorn as a gift since he likes them so much. Cmon Kurt, admit it, my ass looks spectacular in those now dont they?;)
How am I doing ? I don’t know. A year ago, I weighted 240 lbs. I started working out. At first, twice a week, I would call it a decent work out for a 50 year old fat guy. Slowly I worked my way up to three times a week, hard work out. Sit ups, crunches, push ups, deep knee bends, isometrics, wind sprints, some light weights, stretching and punching bag.
I hit it hard enough that I am soaked with sweat ½ way through and sore the following day, and still sore the day after that when I go back.
I still weigh 240 lbs, I haven’t lost a single friggen pound. My waist is down maybe an inch. I was hoping to get down to 200 even, but right now I’d be thrilled with 230.
They say when Elvis died he carried somthing like 40 lbs. in his colon, and when the Duke, John Wayne died he was packing around 50 lbs..
Maybe you need cleaned out :D
Maybe you need cleaned out
Hope you're not offering your services...

I'm above where I started. I may have gained more weight than my wife during her pregnancy...:eek: I'm quite the porker, but have started whittling it away. I'll be out in the field alot for work, so along with the new program I'm trying to follow and hiking alot for work I'm hoping to be in better shape by hunting season than last year. Even though I've been able to do that for the last 4 years, I'm still not as in shape as I'd like to be.
I hike my butt off, literally, every day at work. I'll be good when I hit Alaska Sept. 1st. I've hiked off over 30 pounds so far this summer. I need to not winter quite so well in the future. :rolleyes:
I'm still in the carb loading phase for the goat hunt. :)

I'm maintaining, but need to get serious on the cardio, lower and core strength within the next few weeks.
They say when Elvis died he carried somthing like 40 lbs. in his colon, and when the Duke, John Wayne died he was packing around 50 lbs..
Maybe you need cleaned out :D

40 and 50 lbs of what ? If you've got a pair of tongs, I've got some rubber gloves. Git er done :eek:
cardio, good
fat, bad
I need to drop at least 15 so that when I pack in for my deer hunt I won't fall over at 8000 ft and wish I hunted river whites instead of timber line muleys.

I'm shooting for 30 but I'd be satidfied with anything close to 20. I've lost about 5 now so I'm on a roll. Not a jelly roll either.
Quit smoking a year ago last December put on 47lbs:eek: I am hoping to lose 10lbs a month from now through october. I have started hiking and man let me tell you 50 extra lbs is hard on the old joints!!!
I am on the "East Helena Diet" up here in montana. Essentially what it consists of is a) no soda, b) no eating fast food and c) working out 3 times during the week and at least one good hike on the weekend.

My results thus far (the EHD started the day after memorial day) is 9 lbs lost and alot of stamina gained. The first morning I struggled to do 20 pushups and I'm doing 100 a morning now.

The EHD is not for those weak in willpower. The first week the caffiene withdrawls were fairly brutal. Daily excedrin migraine were the norm to help subside the feelings of having my head stomped on a concrete sidewalk. I have also banned myself from using elevators, so it is the stairs for me whenever I am in buildings in excess of 1 story (which is daily for me).
I'm down 135 pounds as of this morning.


HOLY CRAP DANR !!!! Good on ya bud if thats true !

I'm the same 220# I have been hitting the chirch gym 1 or twice a week and playing some ball. I'm feeling like I'm gonig into summer looking like crap but feeling good. I'm not worried about this fall. I'm not sheep hunting so I'm not in "SHEEP SHAPE", but I'm in Elk and deer shape and I'm packing a few trophies off the hill this year.......
I drinking a lot of beer and eating a lot of pastries and I'm still a bootylicious 185lbs. I don't need to loose any stinking weight.

Danr them fat chicks REALLY like the skinny guys... You ARE ONE HARDCORE FUGLY CONTEST TRAINER.