Howdy from Arizona!


New member
Jul 14, 2018
My name is Oz. I live in Mohave County in northwestern Arizona. I have always wanted to pursue hunting and fishing and trapping since I was a young one but no one in my immediate family was a sportsman. In fact every one being employed in the medical field didn't leave much options for anything that involved firearms or harvesting of live game. As I grew up I slowly got my hands into various disciplines which still allowed me to be able to pursue game and fish. I was never very successful at most of these endeavors, but I still applied myself because the challenge was where my growth occurred. After returning home from schooling I was able to pursue many of these previously unachieved desires and goals. I applied myself and did what ever I could to learn more to apply to new experiences, some of which may happen once in a lifetime.

I have had the great fortune to be born and raised from a small town with a big imprint. There is a rich sense of freedom I find in these mountains, rivers, and canyons. I feel it is truly one of the last free places that encompass these wild freedoms. I have a deep respect for this land, and feel myself to be one of it's shepherds. As such I also understand that hunters and fishermen and trappers are the biggest contributing factor to conservation, there are not any state or federal funding that is just granted aside from the PB Tax on sporting goods. It also is further derived that these skills and assets need to be passed to the next generation, as it was (hopefully) passed on or learned by the next.

As I mentioned earlier, I do not have any mentors per say. Most of the people my age do not hunt or fish, or they say they do on social media or downtown at the bar but they really don't seem to when it comes time to lace up the leathers. I have found after getting motivated to put myself into the wilderness more to harvest my own table fare that it takes serious hard work and dedication. All of that hard work coupled with continuing education may end up having fine results I hope to share one day. I obtained my trapping license about 2 years ago and learned a lot about predator and fur bearing species. This year I had the blessing to be drawn for a bull elk depredation hunt (ends on the 19th of this month btw), any antlered deer (october), and turkey (october) with hopes of a successful harvest.

This forums seems like an amazing resource. I am glad to be a part of a small but rich community. I look forward to sharing my experiences and blessings with every one and to learn from others who are just as avid sportsman. Thanks for taking the time to read my introduction.
Welcome. If there is any chance you would move from AZ and still want to hunt in AZ from time to time then buy the AZ Lifetime Resident Hunting License. As a resident, you are in the hunt drawing for the vast majority of the AZ tags and you pay the resident rate. If you move from AZ but have the AZ Lifetime license then you are still in the hunt drawing for the vast majority of the AZ tags even as a non-resident. That is a huge advantage over a typical non-resident applying in the AZ draws. You pay the non-resident rate but would anyway once move outside AZ.
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