How far will you take a shot?

I will shoot 400 no problem. I have shot one elk at 550 but I would really like a shot to be 400 or less at deer or elk.

Not to pick on you, but shooting 900+ yards, even with the right equipment, practice, etc. is still a stunt.

The flight time of the bullet, the need for exact yardages, the lack of bullet energy at extended ranges, variability in bullet performance due to velocity loss, mirage, wind-drift, animals moving, etc. etc etc. all make these ranges "iffy" for even the best. That is a fact, and all you need to do to confirm that is to do a bit of LR shooting.

Dont get me wrong, I'm floored by the accuracy of some rifles and the skills of some shooters, but that doesnt mean squat when applied to hunting situations. Much different.

I've watched the Beyond Belief video to watch...but it isnt hunting. In every one of the LR shots they take, approaching closer was never attempted. In every instance, getting closer and closing the distance would have been a snap. But, that wouldnt sell videos...average critters being taken at normal ranges. Also, its fair to note that they dont show the shots they miss, the animals that hobble off on flat tires, etc.

As to who defines hunting?

The hunters themselves, thats who. When people push the limits of ethics, their abilities, and equipment at the expense of the States Wildlife, laws will be passed to clear it up for them. Another fact.
No worries. I agree with you 100%. I have shot out to 700. Not at game, but on paper for now.

I agree bench time is not in the field.

As far as the Beyond Belief guys. To some guys that is hunting. I am not a dedicated LR hunter. I just know quite a few. I am not praticalurly found of Mr. Burns, and he was not a help to LR hunting. Yes he could have gotten closer, but like you said that wouldn't sell the video. You are right they don't show missed shots or wounded animals. I think you would agree that stuff happens at any range. I have done it with my bow at less than 30 yards.

I couldn't agree more with guys pushing the limits at the expense of State Wildlife. But again it is all who you associate with. The guys I reference as LR hunters aren't pushing their limits. They shoot animals at distances well within their limits. In fact they will be the first one to tell when they didn't take such and such a shot because of wind or whatever.


Not to pick on you, but shooting 900+ yards, even with the right equipment, practice, etc. is still a stunt.

The flight time of the bullet, the need for exact yardages, the lack of bullet energy at extended ranges, variability in bullet performance due to velocity loss, mirage, wind-drift, animals moving, etc. etc etc. all make these ranges "iffy" for even the best. That is a fact, and all you need to do to confirm that is to do a bit of LR shooting.

Dont get me wrong, I'm floored by the accuracy of some rifles and the skills of some shooters, but that doesnt mean squat when applied to hunting situations. Much different.

I've watched the Beyond Belief video to watch...but it isnt hunting. In every one of the LR shots they take, approaching closer was never attempted. In every instance, getting closer and closing the distance would have been a snap. But, that wouldnt sell videos...average critters being taken at normal ranges. Also, its fair to note that they dont show the shots they miss, the animals that hobble off on flat tires, etc.

As to who defines hunting?

The hunters themselves, thats who. When people push the limits of ethics, their abilities, and equipment at the expense of the States Wildlife, laws will be passed to clear it up for them. Another fact.
While we may all wound an animal or lose one from time to time, we all probably feel the same pain when that happens. So up the percentage of your success and get closer. Less pain and more gain.
I can keep it inside of a water bucket at 500 yards with my 300 wthby

Only taken two shots at elk at about 300

The rest average about 40 yards or less

Bow, I like to keep it at about 25-35 yards instinct, but practice consistently out to 65 and pot shot at 100 yards (occasionally loosing arrows at the 100 marker and not on animals (it takes the arrow to long to get that far and way to many things can go wrong in the interim))
Don't get too many long shot ops here. Maybe 250 tops. Most shots are in the 100-175 yd. problem on game with good equipment & practice. Western hunting/shooting, poses a perceptual difference to me...I find my self underestimating distances, relying more on my RF than I do here. I might tend to shoot farther in certain conditions in Colorado than, for instance, across a big pasture in Texas.
It depends a lot on the conditions and the time I have to set up the shot. I will not “hurry” a shot over 200 yards. With the right equipment, time to settle in to the rifle and really look things over, maybe 500 tops.
I killed a deer last week at a ranged 404 yards and it really was an easy shot. I took the time to support my rifle, range the buck and I had recently practiced at 400. I picked my spot and waited until presented with a standing broadside. No wind, and a very steady sight picture, I absolutely knew where the bullet would hit as I pulled the trigger.
I try to keep my shots under 2,000 yards. If the WY wind isn't too bad I'll take shots up to 2,500 yards. I just wish my rangefinder would work that far out....
420 yards

I made my longest shot ever on my sheep this year. 420 confirmed by laser.
The conditions were right, and I had a great rest. I shot a 140 Federal Trophy Bonded load, and it dropped about 18 inches. I aimed at the top of the shoulder, and it hit just below the heart, killing the animal.

Thats about far enough for this boy!
I must add I would not have tried the shot I made this year also without the new BDC reticle in the scope I have. It makes it easy if you have the range of the target and takes out the guestimation of hold over
I shot three animals (deer, moose, and elk) at 396, 382, and 425 this year. They were all shots with dead rest, no wind, and a broadside shot. No misses on any of them. I would not try shots like that if the conditions were not right. However, when right, I wouldn't hesitate. 500 is about my max though.
I'll bet more animals are wounded and lost at less than 20 yards with a bow than are wounded and lost at over 400 yards with a rifle.
I'll bet more animals are wounded and lost at less than 20 yards with a bow than are wounded and lost at over 400 yards with a rifle.

I wouldn't take that bet, just means people are to lazy to walk 400 yards to check for blood than 20 yards. seen that several times.
.30-06: 350yds. 7mm & .300 mags: 450yards. Beyond that, I let 'em go. Bullets shed velocity pretty quick after those ranges, and I've made a vow not to wound, only kill.
Watched a guy tag a buck with a .300 Win at what I later estimated to be 700-800 yards. The buck was down for exactly 5 seconds, got up and booked. The guy never found him, only a pool of blood -what a waste.
I've made just one 500 yard shot and was taking a big chance. Luckly there wasn't any wind. Had to hit him again as the first shot didn't kill him.
Joe Horn the redneck says anything within 20 yards with a pillowcase full of your neighbors chit is fair game...

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