Hog Entry "essay" I wrote


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Here is the ESSAY I sent in for the Contest.

Here was the Websie I entered it on : http://www.huntingonabudget.com/Contest.html


I am by far the Worlds Best and Funnest hunter. There is simply no comparison to the fun we have compared to other camps. Even though this is an essay, I feel the need to attach photos instead of mere words. I could go on and on about hanging out of helicopters in New Zealand to shooting a Giraffe in Africa and slapping a bear on the butt. But some of my most memorable and funniest hunts are on a budget with great fellow hunters. I personally feel pictures are worth a thousand words as well as a million laughs. If these pictures don’t complete the essay and describe the hunter you are looking for then maybe I misunderstood who and what you are looking for.

I am a firm believer it’s the hunter that makes a great hunt, not the equipment or location they go to. Success is no substitute for a great time with friends.

Recently I was found hunting Oryx in New Mexico with a Loin Cloth. Notice the bow choice. I also like hunting in Flip Flops to change it up, (See Bear pics) :


But I’m far better know across the hunting community for my hats and my handstands :


I feel I have great presence in the eyes of the community because McDonalds sponsored me in last year’s triathlon. Technically they didn’t “sponsor” me but I did eat a Big Mac and drink a Chocolate shake during the race !!!


You might have seen me already because I have been seen hanging out in many areas :



I’m also a Family man, a #1 dad (As seen by the yellow plate around my neck). I coach 3 teams in Soccer, am a Scout Master and have a Great family of 4 boys and a soon to be girl.


I’m not only a Great Hunter but have been known to fish as well. We have a great time even when the boat breaks and we can’t get out in the lake.


I've donated my time to planting Bitterbrush / Sagebrush for the local F&G to give back to the hunting world. Here is a picture of me with F&G doing Fawn and Doe collaring for mortality studies. Although it’s not a funny picture, It’s shows I do not only take resources we have, I give back as well :


Bottom line is I’m going to hold this kitten hostage until you accept me as your #1 Candidate !!!


Hopefully I have shown the Enthusiasm and entertainment that I can bring to camp. Please feel free to contact me with the Telephone number below or just mail me a letter to :

Oscar Williamson (AKA MOOSIE)
The Funnest Hunter in the World
Idaho, USA

Tom, Here is the Email I sent them with the VIDEO links :

Hunt contest Judges,

I would like to win the hog and turkey hunting contest because....... plain and simply, I am one of the Funnest hunters you will ever hunt with.

Enclosed is my short 3 page essay in word format with several pictures. Below, are some Video I have taken of myself having a GREAT time out hunting. The video links and the Essay pictures are but a small taste of what I can bring to hunting camp. I enclosed the Video's so you know I Ain't Skeer'ed to bring my Redneck self in front of a Video Camera !!

Video :

Here I am in Africa telling about my upcoming Giraffe hunt :


Here is my Steve Erwin (Croc Hunter) Impression :


~The Contest Winner...Oscar Williamson
looks like you truly enjoy your hunting time.that elk is huge.congrats how are you going to hunt Texas? a banana hammock flip flops and a cowboy hat?
Tom.. Are you going to be my chauffeur when I come down there ?? :D Or are you not in that Area ?!?! Where is No Harley or the other Texas Clowns at ?!?!
I was your chauffer before, I chauffered a lot th at trip, I never was at the airport so many times in one day. You better go, they posted your picture, etc. You'll need a camera man, to get the stuff off camera, am I right? I have to check my engagements, I'm pretty busy with pesky work, just went turkey hunting several times and have an exotic hunt and another tv shoot on the third (haha, but its true) of June. Noharley is up north of here, but he wanted to come down this way and hunt an axis, maybe you two could work on that idea some. Refugio is south of here, I thought, but they said they threw in turkeys, turkey season ended in part of the state May 3. I have to check that, you better, if you were wanting a turkey too. I can loan you a night spotlight, but I want collateral, I know you some times leave things places, like my knife, like your bow, your binoculars, who knows what else.

I know, I'll hide in the bushes, y ou do the trick shot, but I'll shoot, y ou have to count 1,2, 3 so I know when to shoot though.
Moosie, maybe a litle music with the pictures would be a nice touch......this might fit. ;)

I wanna talk about me
Wanna talk about I
Wanna talk about number one
Oh my me my
What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see
I like talking about you, usually, but occasionally
I wanna talk about me
I wanna talk about me
....isn't Jose Moosie's chaeuffer?:confused:

Congrats on the clownery Oscar, the Refugians will get a kick outa you....and your interpreter/chaeuffer.;):D
Moosie, maybe a litle music with the pictures would be a nice touch......this might fit. ;)

I wanna talk about me
Wanna talk about I
Wanna talk about number one
Oh my me my
What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see
I like talking about you, usually, but occasionally
I wanna talk about me
I wanna talk about me


I'm to sexy for this shirt, to sexy for this shit, so Sexy it huuuuurts.
I'm to Sexy for this Hat, What Ch'a think about that ?

I kissed a boy and I liked it!
The taste of his cherry chapstick!

PS- Yes, I remember how we got me bumped to first class... :D
Funny chit. Did you break any laws the last time you were in TX? This seems like one of the cop shows were you have to pick-up the prize and they are waiting to arrest you.
PS- Yes, I remember how we got me bumped to first class... :D

You tell one Stewartess that your gay lover wants to get bumped up to first class with you and all of a sudden you turn into a homo .. ;)

Did you break any laws the last time you were in TX? This seems like one of the cop shows were you have to pick-up the prize and they are waiting to arrest you.

Laws.... ?? Well, We did take a Butt load of funny pictures.

Like the BBQ and BAit store ?!?!?! WTF ?


and the Beer and gun store....


.....Only in Texas Amigo... Only in Texas :)

MAybe it was for Showing off and carrying out the local Game when most people jsut back their 4-wheelers up to the Feeders ?!?!?!

A couple of those shots are from Moosie's and my first trip to Texas. ( I recognize the "Liquor Guns" sign.....it was a drive-through, too.) Ahhh, the first time I had a Whattaburger.

That's my Black Hawaiian ram Oscar is toting for me.

Oscar thought I drove a little fast, if I recall.....
Originally Posted by 1_pointer
PS- Yes, I remember how we got me bumped to first class...

You tell one Stewartess that your gay lover wants to get bumped up to first class with you and all of a sudden you turn into a homo ..
I don't think this helped either... :D

Dude, I am way behind the times on this forum. It's just a kawinkydink that I am appx 30 miles from Refugio. I wouldnt mind hooking up with you again. I can furnish transportation and lodging if given enough time. Can also supply firearms up to and including a 50 BMG. :D PM inbound
Dude, I am way behind the times on this forum. It's just a kawinkydink that I am appx 30 miles from Refugio. I wouldnt mind hooking up with you again. I can furnish transportation and lodging if given enough time. Can also supply firearms up to and including a 50 BMG. :D PM inbound

I say go for a double or triple hog shot with the 50 BMG. Wow, what an offer!

I thought AA was a shotgun guy, I guess 50 BMG is a little smaller than some, but a little bigger than some shotguns too.