Caribou Gear

Here we Go !!!

George P

New member
Jan 11, 2001
rochester N.H. usa
Heading out at 3am tomorrow morning.On my way to Wisconsin to pick up the bear dogs and equipment I bought. The seller,from Idaho is meeting me there Fri morning. Got Miller27 riding shotgun. Going to look like the Clampetts coming home with 7 dogs,2 boxes, and all the other stuff in the back of the pickup. Looks like about 1300 miles each way.
Tobey, I will call you ,hopefully,Sat afternoon or early evening. How about somewhere near the civic center in Augusta Sunday morning? I will call and set a time with you to meet if thats ok.
Just to make sure your not forgetting something, did you pack the camera? You didn't? Well put it in the truck so those of us that aren't as fortunate to make it out can 'live the experience' through our PC's!
Good luck, and take lots of pictures!


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[This message has been edited by DGF (edited 03-28-2001).]
Sounds like a plan George.You find a home for the older female yet? If you bring her with my 2 maybe I will give her a try LOL.
The sportsman show is at the civic center this weekend so that will be a good place to meet.

We having fun yet//Tobey
Heck ya should just leave that older female in Idaho, I'll hunt her
