Hello all

Oct 18, 2021
Hello all, my name is Max. I'm a third generation Montanan and I practice law in Bozeman. If you have any good lawyer jokes, please post them in response.

Anyway, I established an account on this website because Montana's new governor and the agencies beneath him are threatening to destroy our hunting heritage. I've been blown away by the passionate and detailed conversations about hunting issues on display in this forum. I look forward to submitting my two cents when and where I can.

Oh yeah, and also, my mother was born in Montreal, hence the username.
I just made it up… I’m known as a bit of a dumb smart ass.

They both chase buses, but only one pushes citizens out of the way.
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What is the scientific name for lawyer?

Solanum melongena - 🍆
Commonly known as eggplant or night shade…
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Due to a shortage in laboratory rats, it has been suggested that attorneys should be considered as test subject substitutes.

Rationale for the substitution as follows.......there are more attorneys than rats, so there is an inexhaustible supply of test subjects. As it is impossible to form an emotional attachment with attorneys, the testers will not be prone to skewing test results. And finally, it should be noted that there are just some things that a rat will not do.

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