Has anyone ever gotten their A$$ KICKED... from the internet ?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I'm up tonight wonding this. :D :D I'm guessing I might here real soon (See Monster Mulies post here).


I was jsut wondering if someone has ever said something to somebody and just got socked in the mouth for it ? :eek: Are people really like that ? I thought everyone blew things off like I did when they logged off.....

Even when BUZZ and Cameron and CJCJ and JOSE and others get into a fight online I don't see anyone wasting the effort to actually go to the Octagon ?!?! :D
Oscar, I think there was once a guy who offered to kick my ass. I offered him directions to my house. He has not showed up but of course I have moved since then.:D

There are people in this world who should not be allowed internet access while they are in a psych ward. That jake character seems to be one.
I read most of your link. It is true that people talk shit behind computers that they would never do within reach of an arm. That said I have had one guy Pm me with threats and bullshit. I called the time and place and told him to show his fat ass up and we would TCOB. He started complaining about how I was violent and had no social skills. Bottom line is you don't threaten to invade a man's home and put his family in danger. If the guy shows up you need to drop him like a turd in the bowl. That shit is not funny to me. Good luck.
Where are Buzz & Greenhorn when you really need them?:D
Looks like your flippancy got to this looney. Isn't that what you intended?:confused:
Seems a keyboard has the ability to remove fear & warts...ignorance is usually unphased. I wouldn't worry too much about him Moosie, unless he lived near me.:cool: Ringer gives good advice.

In January, another guy in MT sent me a PM, again on MM, telling me he knew who I was and that he would get even with me.

I told him if I wanted any shit from him, I would drive over to his house and kick it out of him. For some reason, he thought that was funny and sent an apology.

As far as guys like Jake, they probably go through life threatening everyone who they cannot convince in an argument (which would be all the people they argue with.)

The hunting sites need humor and guys like Jake need some humble pie.

Oh, if he does follow through on his threats, I promise to handle the details of your estate, free of charge, and tell Mrs. Moosie that I will guarantee the rents on at least one of your rental houses.
Even when BUZZ and Cameron and CJCJ and JOSE and others get into a fight online I don't see anyone wasting the effort to actually go to the Octagon ?!?!

now come on !
I cant even count how many people have threatned to kick Buzz's ass.
got to be at least 10 differnt people.

look people, if you find yourself being threatned over and over again by differnt folks on the Internet.....maybe you are the one with the problem.

if you have multiple people willing to drive cross country to kick your ass maybe its not them.....its you! at the very least, you are just as goofy they are.
The Imaginary Corporal is still planning on it, 'cept he hasn't saved up enough money to buy gas for the Ford Escort to drive all the way out here..... And he also has to stop in NE Montana, Laramie, and about 12 other locations on his way here.....:rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes:
Thats only until I realized you were an old febile man and I don't take to kicking senior citizens ass's Ithaca
Thats only until I realized you were an old febile man and I don't take to kicking senior citizens ass's Ithaca

My friend once told an old guy we use to fish with after he pulled a prank on him. "There's no honor in kicking an old mans ass, but there's a lot of satisfaction."
HAHA// well he called and sounds like an Alright cat. It's always interesing getting a phone call that starts out :

"Is this Oscar ? You know, Moosie, that posts at Monster Mulies?"

Remember that deal when we were hunting several years ago and some guy in a gas station tapped my shoulder and asked if I was Moosie ? That was wierd. Good thing was it was face to face and I sized him up quick and I didn't need to pointto IdBugler and jsut said. "Yah, thats me" . He was a good cat too.

Anyway, have some honey does to do today so I can hunt this fall. If anyone wants, I can set up the Octagon in the backyard and we can have Fight night ?!?!?! Ithica and Gato. WOW !! HAHA
Yup, I've got to agree, threatening someone over the internet and then trying to follow up on it could be a very very bad life choice
Thats only until I realized you were an old febile man and I don't take to kicking senior citizens ass's Ithaca

...is 'febile' a hybrid condition of senile & feeble?:confused: I'd kick his azz for calling me that Ithaca.:D
"Is this Oscar ? You know, Moosie, that posts at Monster Mulies?"

so you told him he had the wrong number?
No but I remember Greenhorn threatening me once that he could drink more beer and piss farther then me once. Haven't seen him show up in the Bitterroot yet to prove it!!!! As long as he brings the beer I'd be willing to give it a go. So what if I lost FREE BEER!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
I cant believe it, this guy named moosie just threatend to kill me if i show up at monster mulies again! looks like I'll have to come over here and educate you simpletons on the finer points of humongous Mule Deer slaying from now on! so pay attention! especially you, Bigfin!
..like I'll have to come over here and educate you simpletons on the finer points of humongous Mule Deer slaying from now on! so pay attention! especially you, Bigfin!
Jake, I saw one of your deer that was linked in the MM post. Do you have any other mule deer field shots? Welcome to the darkside.

"....I'll have to come over here and educate you simpletons on the finer points of humongous Mule Deer slaying from now on! so pay attention! especially you, Bigfin!"

I am always paying attention, but that doesn't mean I know what the hell I am doing.

As I often say, "I am not sure I understand all that I know about that subject."

Glad to see you here. I look forward to your posts.

Just remember, I am the scrawny guy in the bib overalls and John Deere cap, so I am easy to find if you are looking for me.

Happy Hunting!

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