Hand Held GPS or Cell Phone


New member
Jul 9, 2018
I have the OnX app on my cell phone. I paid the $99 fee for the entire US. My question is will this app still work on my phone even if I do not have cell service? Or should I spend the money for a Garmin with the state chip in it?
You can load maps and use your phone without service. I have yet to try this and do not know how reliable it is.
I did the free trial of OnX a couple of years ago and was not impressed with using it while outside of cell service. My Garmin Rhino is much handier, gives my exact location and the location of my hunting partners who also have Garmin Rhinos, and has the capability of two-way radio.
I have both and now just about solely use my cell phone. I have a garmin Montana, great gps and it is nice and easy to use but I prefer the cell app. Big difference to me is the areal view on your downloaded phone map. If your not fimular with a area it's helpful to see what the terrain looks like over he next ridge. Downfall of phone app for me is my iPhone battery life when it gets cold isn't the best. So I carry a backup charger and my gps as wel, but hardly use the gps anymore. Never had a problem with navigation using the offline maps with my phone.
I have run both options. The OnX app for my phone is what I use almost exclusively for two reasons. First, I save hunting areas within the app directly on my phone for use in off-line mode for use when out of cell service and run my phone as a gps. This allows me to save off-line maps with the degree of resolution I choose. Second, I am able to use satellite imagery maps with whichever layers I include within the off-line maps I save to the phone. This set of features allows me to identify physical landmarks within my hunting area with ease and keeps me oriented in mountainous terrain. The phone app gives you so many options and features if you take time to learn the program.
You can search the forums and see just how many have gone to cell only. I am not going back to a dtand alone GPS
Phone is so much more convenient and easy to use. But a stand-alone is far more rugged and reliable.

I have both. Tend to only bring a phone. Leave the unit in the truck
OnX works just fine without service

a) download maps when you have service, I prefer wifi
b) put phone into airplane mode
c) start the OnX app
d) tic "go offline" from the "off grid" tab
I am in a minority and I know it. I cannot get my phone to do what I want it to so I still use a hand held GPS. My son on the other hand only uses his phone. I am terrible with computers but if you are computer savvy apparently guys are all going to their phones.
I had better use of my Garmin last season. But the ONx has changed and added stuff. I did find that my garmin gps was way more accurate in finding trails, yes I do have a state map chip in it. My hunting partner almost got lost using his phone in the fog, still not sure why. And I did get turned around using my phone, then went to the gps to straighten myself out. My advice is practice using it lots before you go and become very familiar with either or both
I run solely on the phone. In freezing temps, I really like the touch-screen gloves. I just have a cheap pair that I use as a liner.
I use my phone, download maps for offline use and your set. On the rare occasions my phone GPS is off, I just restart it. Either way I still have an actual satellite image map to go off. Just bring a battery charger pack with you in case the day gets long.
I have gone to just my phone. You have to plan ahead and download maps but to me the benefits of having satview are well worth having it on my phone. Much easier to scroll, adjust, track, distance figuring. I would carry a backup map/compass and/or a small gps for getting my self out with ease. Used it in black kettle this sping and would have probably thrown my gps out the window if i had to run it all hunt. That place is a nightmare of public/private. My uncle was a nonbeliever. He has it now. If you want to test it. Download a map and turn your phone on airplane mode. May give you a little more confidence.
Phone is so much more convenient and easy to use. But a stand-alone is far more rugged and reliable.

I have both. Tend to only bring a phone. Leave the unit in the truck

Exactly my opinion. I only carry GPS when two radio is used and where legal.
Id also add save the money of buying a GPS and get a inreach or spotx with that cash.
I have a Garmin GPS that is now a paperweight.

InReach for Satellite family communication / emergency service.
Phone for navigation that pairs with my InReach.

The GPS units have been worked out of the market.
I picked up a 8 inch tablet and loaded the OnxMaps app on it and Im really liking it ALOT!! I have a GPS with the OnX chip in it and the app is way better in so many ways
Do you use anything for emergency rescue, something like SPOT? I don't have one, but it's in the back of my mind that if something goes down... Well my wife would kill me if I wasn't already dead. That's probably the best argument for the standalone GPS.
You can load maps and use your phone without service. I have yet to try this and do not know how reliable it is.

Very . It's all I use . It's awesome . I would nd we buy a gps . Phone has better screen quality and is easy to use

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