Kenetrek Boots

Grizzlies in the Pryors

Elky Welky

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2021
Theres been fairly steady sightings for the last 2-3 years in that country. It would be super fascinating to get a collar on him to track his movement and see if it has been denning in there thru winter.
I'd love to know too. Depending on where he is, that country down there (particularly the south end) gets pretty desert-like. It's one of the few places I've been in MT that seems mostly inhabited by lizards, hawks, coyotes, cactus, and rattlesnakes. It's cool country, but never struck me as prime griz habitat.

And no surprise, as is always the case, department sanctioned "official" sightings happen a few years after locals know they are there.
I think it is awesome. Just another data point -albeit not much of one - in favor of state management of the griz, expansion of the distribution of our most spiritual beings on the landscape, and exposes the whiny "westerners" who will now flee to the internet proclaiming their children are in danger.
it would be great if grizzlies would just adapt like the mule deer have to just live right in peoples yards - you know where they are safe from hunters, get free food and water and can pose for photos with smirks on their faces. I wonder how many pets and children would become part of their diet? Do you think perspective of Grizzly management would change?
it would be great if grizzlies would just adapt like the mule deer have to just live right in peoples yards - you know where they are safe from hunters, get free food and water and can pose for photos with smirks on their faces. I wonder how many pets and children would become part of their diet? Do you think perspective of Grizzly management would change?
This experiment is happening right now in NW Montana. Bears live very close to people and much of the time people are unaware. Remains to be seen how sustainable it is.
it would be great if grizzlies would just adapt like the mule deer have to just live right in peoples yards - you know where they are safe from hunters, get free food and water and can pose for photos with smirks on their faces. I wonder how many pets and children would become part of their diet? Do you think perspective of Grizzly management would change?

Choteau, Augusta, Bynum, Depuyer all deal with this as well.

Hell, Ephraim, the 873 pound Boar that lives in the creek next to the school in Depuyer lets the kids ride him in exchange for fruit snacks.

Just don't forget the fruit snacks.
Maybe I am a dumbass (highly probable), but I don't understand why this is a big deal? There is piles of them near Cody and Red Lodge, I would have naturally assumed they are there? Same with Heart Mtn North of Cody.
They are relatively slow to colonize new areas. Transient bears are always a precursor to a novel population.