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Grizzlies in the Pryors

Pretty cool to see him show up and be documented and confirmed. I'm not surprised one bit by it. In talking to Shawn a couple of years ago they've seen and documented them before in the foothill region between the beartooth face and the pryors. He went on to tell me about how they could be one of the most adaptivr species in the world. For anyone familiar with that area specifically that's about as dry and desolate as it gets. Wonder how many grizzlies had moved out of that Line Creek country since last year's fire. If I'm not mistaken it was one of the highest densities per square mile in any grizzly distribution in the lower 48.
Maybe I am a dumbass (highly probable), but I don't understand why this is a big deal? There is piles of them near Cody and Red Lodge, I would have naturally assumed they are there? Same with Heart Mtn North of Cody.
My parents live in Cody. Last year WYOGF relocated a sub-adult boar, and last week they relocated a sub-adult sow, both from Heart Mtn area and both for killing cattle. I think Dad told me that there is also a sow with cubs that live in the area but I don’t know if that’s true.
Pretty cool to see him show up and be documented and confirmed. I'm not surprised one bit by it. In talking to Shawn a couple of years ago they've seen and documented them before in the foothill region between the beartooth face and the pryors. He went on to tell me about how they could be one of the most adaptivr species in the world. For anyone familiar with that area specifically that's about as dry and desolate as it gets. Wonder how many grizzlies had moved out of that Line Creek country since last year's fire. If I'm not mistaken it was one of the highest densities per square mile in any grizzly distribution in the lower 48.
That very well could be what forced the jump. We know all the elk pushed over a unit after the fire too.
I’m always prodding the bios about what they see in that elk basin-Pryors foothills country and it just seems like a big empty expanse. Even the Chukar are hard to find down there.
That very well could be what forced the jump. We know all the elk pushed over a unit after the fire too.
I’m always prodding the bios about what they see in that elk basin-Pryors foothills country and it just seems like a big empty expanse. Even the Chukar are hard to find down there.
It's pretty amazing to see how scared that entire face is. Sure makes a guy wonder how many years it'll take to recoup. Yeah the couple times I've been in that county riding around you sure don't see much of anything. Very very odd region
My parents live in Cody. Last year WYOGF relocated a sub-adult boar, and last week they relocated a sub-adult sow, both from Heart Mtn area and both for killing cattle. I think Dad told me that there is also a sow with cubs that live in the area but I don’t know if that’s true.
I'm in Cody, and I have seen tracks SW of town on the BLM, and heard stories about them being at the dump, Heart Mtn, and even pheasant hunters jumping them in the fields near town. So like I said, I just naturally assumed they were already there.
The Grizzly was a plains-lowland critter wasn't it? The westward expansion and settling of the lowlands pushed them to the hill country/mountains.

Now, I'm slogging through the dense fogs of time here and basing this on classes taken long ago and my reading choices.

One book was The Only Good Bear is a Dead Bear. It's a collection of short stories of attacks really shows the attitude that folks had towards the Grizzly.

Anyway, really interesting that they are being seen eastward. With their garbage guts adapting may take a bit, but I'm sure they will gain a foothold.

I say we put them in L.A. too
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this now is the easternmost sighting of a grizzly in the country since they were mostly extirpated at the end of the 19th century. How soon do you all think before they make it back into the Black Hills? I wonder if this will have any effect on the wild horses in the Pryors. sightings of potential grizzly,mountains since the late 1800s.
About 3 years ago we had one go through Big Sandy raising chicken coups and it ended up out in the upper breaks area somewhere. They are definitely expanding eastward here in MT. Seems like every year a pheasant hunter has a run in with one east of the rocky mtn front.
Some fool shot and killed a young bear out by Conrad last month just north of great falls. There's an open investigation into it.
About 3 years ago we had one go through Big Sandy raising chicken coups and it ended up out in the upper breaks area somewhere. They are definitely expanding eastward here in MT. Seems like every year a pheasant hunter has a run in with one east of the rocky mtn front.
My ex's family lives out by Warrick, i remember her cousin talking about the bear in the chicken coops. First year we hunted there we cut a lone set of tracks We couldn't identify species just knew it was a bear and the gut pile my ex father in law left was gone next day. Never saw another track for the following six years we hunted over there or found any scat.

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