"Greenwashing at it's best"

I definitely agree large groups of humans make messes. It’s not just the ones on your list.

Much of the mess comes from Big Universities, Big NGOs, Big Bureaucracy, Big Government, Big Media, and Big Stupid. And then “Big Companies” try to navigate what they are stuck with.

it's so entangled. and you're absolutely right

I just wouldn't let off Big Companies so easy. certainly everyone in a representative democracy is looking out for themselves and voting accordingly, it's natural. but, money most often wins, and money can buy "truths."

if we demanded better we'd get it. but as is often one of your points on this board, we get what we deserve (voted for).
I definitely agree large groups of humans make messes. It’s not just the ones on your list.

Much of the mess comes from Big Universities, Big NGOs, Big Bureaucracy, Big Government, Big Media, and Big Stupid. And then “Big Companies” try to navigate what they are stuck with.

Point of order, counselor.

Big Businesses/NGO's help the other bigs make the decisions that make big messes while paying the big media & stupid a lot of advertising dollars.

It's a symbiotic relationship. Like Cheech & Chong, or Bert & Ernie.
it's so entangled. and you're absolutely right

I just wouldn't let off Big Companies so easy. certainly everyone in a representative democracy is looking out for themselves and voting accordingly, it's natural. but, money most often wins, and money can buy "truths."

if we demanded better we'd get it. but as is often one of your points on this board, we get what we deserve (voted for).
I hold all 340 million Americans pro-rata accountable. They have the government they want, the products they want, the media they want . . . etc . . . . Politicians, companies, media, etc just want to give the folks what they want. They really don't care what it is - if the people part with their money they will get as much of anything as they want.
Our town has a recycling program where you can set a tub of plastic, aluminum, metal, paper & carboard out by the curb along with your trash for pickup. They also have several containers staged around the county for rural folks who wanted to recycle to dispose of these materials.

In my line of work we did a lot of business for the local trash pickup and landfill company which was owned by a major nationwide outfit. Being around these guys I asked ... where do you take all those containers for recycled materials? The response was .... It just gets dumped in the landfill. There's not enough value in any of the material to justify any sorting or handling. We provide that service for the county so their are eligible for various federal grants, etc. Despite good intentions, all of the home recyclers are simply putting more trash in the landfills. The only common home packaging that has any true recycle value is aluminum and not enough of that goes into mixed recycling to justify sorting.

I would like to see our country make some serious changes in packaging and containers to minimize litter and waste. I cleaned up our roadside ditches last week and the majority was beer and soda containers and trash related to fast food. More packaging in aluminum and returnable containers with $$ deposit, cracking down on fast food packaging would be a good start. In my view, some changes in this area would have immediate environmental benefits and would be a whole lot easier and less costly than some of the "new green deal" agenda items.

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