Green Decoys! new facts about TRCP, BHA, IWL, TU, BM

Ok, I have to admit I've been a little confused about the whole green decoy thing. Is the group claiming that hunters and these organizations are actually against hunting or something? It might be a dumb question, but I don't think I fully understand it.

Neither do the people that created the Green Decoy idea.

Here they are:

If they sound irrational to you, then welcome to the club.
Ok, I have to admit I've been a little confused about the whole green decoy thing. Is the group claiming that hunters and these organizations are actually against hunting or something? It might be a dumb question, but I don't think I fully understand it.

The general implication is that these groups are just a bunch of tree huggers masquerading as hunters When in fact they are just a bunch of hunters who want some trees left for future generations.
Ok, I have to admit I've been a little confused about the whole green decoy thing. Is the group claiming that hunters and these organizations are actually against hunting or something? It might be a dumb question, but I don't think I fully understand it.

Based on what I've read, it appears they present the following:
1. From where the organization formed. The CEO's / backers history.
2. Major donors to the organizations and those donor's beliefs.

They do not say those who are members do not hunt/fish, etc... They share the organization structure and it's major financial backers.
They do not say those who are members do not hunt/fish, etc... They share the organization structure and it's major financial backers.

What you are ignoring is this Greendecoy website is designed to imply the average member does not understand that they are unintentionally supporting "radical" Conservation. This is semi effective at scaring away the ignorant.

Infact I believe the members are well aware that they are supporting conservation and for the most part these org's are transparently doing the work the collective group is asking for.
This is where the t shirts and rubber duck came in. Members showing that they do indeed understand and embrace the fact that they are hunters/fishermen who support conservation and public lands.
P.s. While I appreciate a good trolling if you have no pictures to share by September maybe you need to head outside.:)
He asked a question on a public forum... We offer our opinion on this public forum. I appreciate facts. I'll have Amazon ship me a little quack, quack for my archery hunt this 20th-25th. See if I can snap a pic on a tasty cow elk, this year.

I believe many "members" jump aboard organizations based on their publicly announced, "Mission Statement" - regardless the side one is supporting. You believe differently. Cheers. I respect your opinion.

I also appreciate Ben's informative post as well. From his experience in this field, it's a good value.
i myself have been confused about the green decoy topic, thanks for the clarification, that website boils my blood; isnt there a fact out there of Russia donating a bunch of money to the NRA?
I want to post up a thread that will show anyone who googles "Green Decoys" the truth about who these groups are and who their members are.

If you are associating with any of these conservation groups and proud of it let's see a photo or two.

Please don't forget the "THE MONTANA SPORTSMEN'S ALLIANCE" of which I'm one of the founding fathers of that organization and proudly was quacking first. You might say I'm a founding father of the" Quack attack"

i myself have been confused about the green decoy topic, thanks for the clarification, that website boils my blood; isnt there a fact out there of Russia donating a bunch of money to the NRA?

Yes, there are a number of stories on how Russia has cultivated ties with the NRA for a variety of reasons, arms and ammunition sales being the primary driver, but also to influence elections.

That's the thing with actual dark money: It's largely untraceable unless you have the ability to subpoena those records. The NRA spent over $150 million in elections without having to disclose donors or by working around America's very lax campaign finance laws. Groups like Americans for Prosperity are larger spenders, but not by much. Those two groups alone spent over 310 million dollars in 2016 to elect specific candidates.

Both sides utilize dark money, that part is very true. They're both following the law - a law that was created when Citizen's United was approved by the Supreme Court, and the nation was told that unlimited, unreported money was equal to free speech. That ruling has done more to turn Americans against each other than anything the parties have done related to policy. It's opened the flood gates for spending on a variety of issues, and combined with the other decision from SUPCO that says you don't really have to tell the truth in your advertising, it's no wonder there's a new cottage industry for fact checking.

If citizens want to reclaim their constitutional republic, we need to eliminate dark money in our elections. If you have something to say, and want to put the funding up to say it - then use your name and stand behind your ideals.

Anyway, off to grouse camp for the next three days. Hopefully I'll have some decent photos to contribute to the thread. Stopping at the sporting goods store to see if I can find my green decoy. :)
I don't know much about O/Us, but is that a Germanic one like a Merkel? Nice looking gun and young dog for certain

We were skunked in the teal ponds today.
I don't know much about O/Us, but is that a Germanic one like a Merkel? Nice looking gun and young dog for certain

We were skunked in the teal ponds today.

1936 vintage Greifelt in 12 gauge. She weighs 6.5 pounds. A wonder to carry. A little short for summer trap league, but perfect for September in the field. A good grouse gun.
Caribou Gear

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