Caribou Gear Tarp

Greatest Western... Ever?

"You gona pull those pistols or whistle dixey??"

"Are you a bounty hunter?" " A mans got to make a livin" "Dying aint much of a livin"

"It's a good thing you came when you did, I might have killer her" (old Indian Chief)

Jose Whales is my favorite

"How does it work on stains?"

Watch him Abe watch him, he's as mean as a rattle snake and twice as fast with them pistols!"
I really liked Young Guns I, II, III also. Probably for a series of movies, I liked this one the best.
Outlaw Josey Wales & Unforgiven. Actually, anything with Clint.
My all time favorites Big Jake, where I got the name for my son and Chisum.

The combination of Wayne and Ben Johnson in Chisum is tough to beat.
Tops for me are:
Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Jeremiah Johnson
Open Range
Brokeback Mountain

I haven't seen either True Grit or Upon a Time in the West.
Brokeback was a great novella. Emotionally complex, visceral and compelling with just a hint of corriander.

Never saw the movie.
Randal stop being silly.

You're right, Unforgiven is kind of overrated. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, the scenery, cinematography and acting are all awesome. The buttsex is icky, but the rest makes for a great movie.
The knew True Grit is really good. I wish the Duke had the supporting cast that is in the new movie.

My favorites are :
Rooster Cogburn and the Lady
Lonesome Dove
The Shootist
Pale Rider

and for a comedy, I always liked Support Your Local Sheriff.
Best Bad guy in a western..."Cowboys" with John Wayne. Story line..."Once upon a time in the west". One liners..."Big Jake". funniest..."Blazing Saddles".

Ah, "Blazing Saddles". When my son was playing high school football we found out the cheerleaders had never seen the movie, so we invited them to the house for a ham and bean and cornbread dinner and then a viewing of "Blazing Saddles". It was a hoot to say the least.

A musical that I have enjoyed both on the silver screen and the stage is "Paint Your Wagon". My wife and I attended a dinner theater production of it in Kiowa, Kansas which is in the red hill ranch country of south central Kansas(Medicine Lodge, Kansas area). You wouldn't believe there was that much musical talent among those old ranchers and cowboys, but man was it a show. Those guys must sing to their horse every day to get that good.

"Blazing Saddles" and "Paint Your Wagon" don't qualify as "westerns", but this thread sure has taken me down memory lane and those two came to my mind.
Ya know the movie Maverick was a Funny one also, course their weren't no Jews, white trash whor#s and other things that tend to set Mel off! LOL John

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