GPS question


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
northeast Iowa
I'm looking for a new GPS and all the threads on this site are 10 years old.

I've started hunting the public lands of the western states a lot more recently. I am interested in investing in the "hunting GPS maps" advertised on this site. I have heard some good stuff about these maps.

My old (12-15 years or so) GPS is a Garmin 76 which I like, however, it is old and as I understand, the new maps are in color. My old GPS is black & white on the screen. Second, I am not sure that that type of data can even be uploaded on this older model.

Any recommendations on a newer model that can handle these maps, are user friendly, and have a larger screen (old age sucks when you have to wear glasses to read, but no shoot).

Thanks for your input.

good luck to all
the dog
Depends on your budget, but with your map chips, the best unit I know of would be the Garmin GPSMap 62st.
I use a Gamin Oregon and am happy with it. Some folks don't like touch screen. It has not been an issue for me.
I had an extrex and upgraded to a garmin oregon 450t and love it the map chip works great.Personaly I like the touch screen it seems to make navigating the unit so much easier than my old one.
Last year I added the Garmin Dakota and have been very happy with it. a touch smaller screen than the oregon but I have not had any issues with that.
I‘m guessing that you probably do a little bird hunting. Depends on where you hunt as far as the cover and being able to see your dogs, the Garmin Astro might be of interest. I have always used bells on my dogs until the last couple of years. With grouse being so wild around here I have done away with the bells and now use the Astro. It’s the only way to go with hunting dogs. I’m sure it has much of the same features as their other models. Your getting a two for one - tracking device and a gps.
Depends on your budget, but with your map chips, the best unit I know of would be the Garmin GPSMap 62st.

If it keeps me from getting lost or shot from being on the wrong property or arrested then it's worth it....LOL!!

thanks for the advice guys.

good luck to all
the dog
I have a Garmin GPSMap 60CSx that I like a lot. I also just bought a Garmin GPSMap 62st. I love the 62st. The graphics are much better on the 62st than the 60CSx. I also think the 62st is a lot easier to use in terms of putting new maps and waypoints from the computer. The compass on the 62st works a lot better than the 60CSx compass.
The 60CSx, however, seems easier to create waypoints with in the field. When you click to create a waypoint with the 60CSx, the option to "average" is readily available on the same screen that you change the waypoint name. It doesn't appear to be this way with the 62st. I have not used the 62st as much as I have used the 60CSx yet, though, so maybe there is a good way to do this on the 62st as well. You can still "average", but it seems like more of a pain to do it.
I would recommend either the 60CSx or the 62st, but would say the 62st is the better option.
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