Got a case of the Mondays!

Glad you're ok. Looks bad . . . probly could have been much worse. I hope you like wearing hats!
Glad you're ok. That should take care of that mowhawk doo you had earlier in the season.

That was funny!!

Holy chit man, you better start wearing a helmet or your gonna be wearing one permanently!!!

Glad things are ok man, jeezuz, that looks like headache city.
Those head wounds are usually bleeders. I'll bet your buddies thought you were going to die with an open wound like that:eek:
We had just done first aid help once they saw the 8" gash in my skull! I was the only composed one. My driver was about to pass out. After seeing all the blood, I know why. He was shooten up by it.

This was kinda what my neighbor looked like after the grizzly tackled him. His went from behind one ear across the top to in front of the other ear.
He was Moose hunting on the Kenai and heard something in the brush so off goes the safety and the rifle is just coming up and wambo!!!!!:mad:
Damn dude, that's gnarly looking. Hopefully no long term damage besides the sweet hair part. Makes my open sled trailer look even better. :cool:
That's a little more than a bump on the head. Hope your feeling better. Don't get gangrene in that, because they usually have to take off the appendage.
Maybe you need to develop a "be the decoy" snowmobile helmet:):) You should have been wearing your Antelope hat, the gash may have been only half that long.

Dammit man, hope you have a good, fast recovery, that still makes me cringe!
I still dont look at it as bad, but my poor wife was really scared. I have a way of doing that to her. Speedgoat hat may have helped...need to slow down once in awhile. This is why she hates me hunting by myself.
I think I would be wearing a helmet from there on out every time I got on a snowmobile.Glad you are ok if that happend to me I would have got sick,threw up,passed out,and chit my pants while I was unconcious.
I have to come up with a better story when I shave my head next summer! It is not much a of a joke to my wife and friends yet. I tend to make jokes when time is not right. Have to let my wife forget about it for a bit before i come up with a funnier or better story.
You didn't even need a helmet Brandon, you just need the dam antelope hat on... Something...

Wow...glad you are ok man!

(oops...I didn't read all the decoy hat comments already!)