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Good WV archery buck


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2011
Well I have been wearing out the deer/bear stand this fall hoping to catch the big bear that keep's coming into my setup when I'm no longer there everyday it seems. But yesterday was pretty special for me.

I had gotten to my stand really early and climbed up to watch the day come alive around 5:50am. Around 6:15 daylight begin to break to were I could see a little. Around 6:30 I hear something walking in the dry leaves to my left and swivel my head to see a large bodied deer walking on a steady walk. I noticed right off it was a large bodied deer but it was to dark to see horns so I threw up the bino's and it took all but a mill second to realize he was tall and def a shooter buck.
The buck was still on a steady walk. I jump up quickly unleash my bow from the hanger and pick my opening about 38 yards out. Once the deer hit it I gave him a grunt he stopped right behind a tree all I could see was from his front shoulder back. That was all I needed I drew and settled my pin on him and released. I could barely see my pins it was so darn early. The deer takes off and I'm not sure if I hit him but it sounded like a hit. He stopped after running 50 yards and stood there. I noticed he kept putting his head low and blinking a lot more than normal so I felt I had a hit on him.
The deer walked over the hill out of sight. At this point I'm thinking I had a bad hit. Climbed down found my arrow blood looked okay on the arrow but I had a slight hint of paunch shot it seemed. So I climbed back in my tree and decided to wait until 3pm to track. At 10 I had all could stand so I climbed back down after the 3 hour wait went back over to my arrow and began looking around the shot area. I found what appeared to be okay sign so I decided to at least track to the spot he stood 50 yards further. Good sign there also so I decided to go further and track. Went another 50 yards or so and sign was really scattered at this point I was thinking of backing out but I could see the woods really opened up pretty good below me so I kept going 2 steps scan with binos into the hollow then 2 more steps well after doing this for 20 yards or so I see the deer in the bottom laying stone dead on the logging road crashed out. Upon further inspection my shot was horrible but I got lucky and caught a main artery the deer had basically went over the hill out of my stand sight and crashed he had been down for sometime within minutes of the shot in my opinion. But he is my best buck by far with archery tackle and a very good buck for here in WV.


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Here is a trail cam pic about a month prior of the deer.


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Now I am chasing this bad boy have tons of pics of him


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Great deer. Good for you for sticking it out as long as you did, not sure I could waited that long haha. That bear looks like a beast I hope you get him to
Great deer. What county are you hunting? I don't hear about to many bears in the north central part.
WV Hunter I am running around Nicholas County tons of bear there. I have at least three different ones using my stand two shooters. Thanks everyone I haven't bow hunted much in several years but this year I have really gotten back into it and just loving it taken three so far 2 bucks and one slick head.
WV Hunter I am running around Nicholas County tons of bear there. I have at least three different ones using my stand two shooters. Thanks everyone I haven't bow hunted much in several years but this year I have really gotten back into it and just loving it taken three so far 2 bucks and one slick head.

Awesome, I have heard of a good population of bears in the central part of the state but not much north of Braxton County unless it's on the east side. Good luck, I hope you kill a good one. I may make it into the mountains the second week of Dec for bear.
He is coming in very often we just can't seem to cross paths for some reason had several morning sits and then in evening he comes in when I'm not there. Think he has a GPS tracker on me or something. Better get out there after those bucks they are moving really good right now WV Hunter
He is coming in very often we just can't seem to cross paths for some reason had several morning sits and then in evening he comes in when I'm not there. Think he has a GPS tracker on me or something. Better get out there after those bucks they are moving really good right now WV Hunter

I think I may be able to hit the woods for a few hours on Saturday. I've only been out once for bow this year and the woods were dead and the usually game trail was pretty much non existent. Luckily my Wyoming trip was successful or I might be a little concerned about myself not exhausting every effort to get into the woods.
Nice Buck!!!!!!!!!! Congrats............. Antler configuration looks like a sibling to the one I got......
Nicholas Co. does have a few nice bucks for sure. I more, or less live with them, and the bears. Not sure where your at, but there are plenty this year. All seem to be healthy also. Good Luck On the Blackie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a stones throw north of Summerville David it prob is some of the same gene's is my guess. Yes I have done well in the area down there this year on the lease. Tons of mast this year unreal. Should make for some healthy deer next year.
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