PEAX Equipment

Gonna be leaving lots of gates open.....

If you can find a Wyoming ranch so small that you'd need to shack up anywhere near his corrals or machinery you'd better watch for city limits signage.
I take offence to nothing else cept your slanderous remarks about "Crown". Don't tell me you are a Back Velvet guy!
Have a great hunt
Now Jose... We all know you will be staying in a 5 star hotel/resort.[ not camping]... Good luck on your hunt... Post some pics.
BLM and Ranchers in General

Leave gates as you found them. Try knocking but in many if not most areas of Wyoming here in the SE part anyway, outfitters and the ranches have it all leased and sub leased to hunters so it's no go. Tresspass fees range from $25 to hunt Anteloped on a very few ranches to well over a $1000 on others for trophy elk or deer. That fee covers and allows you to legally hunt any of the landlocked BLM land or forest service that is included with in their boundaries. Otherwise you can't even cross adjoining corners to get to the landlaocked square mile of BLM or other federal or state land that lies surrounded by the ranch. Something desperately needs to be done but the ranchers control the state/law and therefore the law cowtows to them. With all that said, abide by the law and become friends with your US Congressman or Senator and work diligently to get the checkerboard situation with BLm interspersed among private ranches resolved by consolidating, requiring access if the land is leased, etc. The situation is bad but could be improved with a receptive Congress/Administration. By the way another pet peeve. The BLM maps are not legal as far as boundaries in a court of law here in Wyoming as the lands change hands often or so the BLM says. And another, ranchers somehow have convinved the USFS to close many if not most of the roads heading off main roads towards their rancehs!! And another, is ranchers placing "no trespassing" signs om either side of the road where it crosses a cattle guard or turns off anotherr road. At first glance you think the road is private and you can not enter when the truth is that just the land on either side of the road for a short or sometimes long section may be the private land. Very few use the honest adn immediately definative "no tresspassing, Private Road," sign!
Leave gates as you find them.... and not the other way around ?!?!?!?

*Sigh*, Sometimes good humor is wasted on people.................
Leave gates as you found them.
I will leave them however I want them.... Anything we can do to make it more difficult on Wyoming's Welfare Ranchers to operate is incumbent upon us as hunters to do. Only when the west is free of range maggots and angus-x eating for a $1.35 per month will we have antelope that can winter without getting hung in fences, sage grouse populations rebounding, wolf hunting as we deserve, and elk populations healthy in Idaho and Montana, again.

Try knocking but in many if not most areas of Wyoming here in the SE part anyway, outfitters and the ranches have it all leased and sub leased to hunters so it's no go. Tresspass fees range from $25 to hunt Anteloped on a very few ranches to well over a $1000 on others for trophy elk or deer. That fee covers and allows you to legally hunt any of the landlocked BLM land or forest service that is included with in their boundaries.

Not sure you have read, but I don't want to pay for a place to hunt, I was looking for a place to camp. And, I ain't gonna camp in some rancher's barnyard for $25 or $1000.... I want to be able to enjoy MY Public Lands that I pay a huge amount of taxes to manage for MY benefit, not some Welfare Rancher.

. The situation is bad but could be improved with a receptive Congress/Administration.

I disagree, the only way to get the situation better is to drag the BLM and the FS into court, along with any Welfare Ranchers that need to be educated, over and over, forcing them to comply with the laws already ON THE BOOKS. If we have to do this grazing allotment by grazing allotment, so be it. If we have to do it District Ofiice by District Office, so be it.

Making Welfare Ranching an un-profitable business will definitely improve hunting.
So.....when do you leave for this civics lesson you're disguising as a hunting trip?:D
If it were to end up in court only scum bag lawyers would come out on top. :)
JoseCuervo;2133508] "I will leave them however I want them.... Anything we can do to make it more difficult on Wyoming's Welfare Ranchers to operate is incumbent upon us as hunters to do. Only when the west is free of range maggots and angus-x eating for a $1.35 per month will we have antelope that can winter without getting hung in fences, sage grouse populations rebounding, wolf hunting as we deserve, and elk populations healthy in Idaho and Montana, again."

I'm sure you will, I was just giving you the wisdom of someone who lives out this way. A neighbor of mine who manages a nearby ranch, told us about how some a**hole left his gate open, likely by a hunter such as you. Caused a horrible wreck, injured a kid and the driver and killed a young heifer. Hardly a glowing example of good sportsmanship or a good person. He, my neighbor, by the way, protects the sage grouse that live on and near his hay fields above and beyond what Wyoming requires and as a result we do have a good base for their conservation in this area due to his efforts. He is also the Hunter Safety Instructor for this area and is an all around great example as a hunter and neighbor. By the way, the Antelope population is at an all time high and they winter just fine around here without getting hung in fences to any great extent.

Jose rambling on says, "Not sure you have read, but I don't want to pay for a place to hunt, I was looking for a place to camp. And, I ain't gonna camp in some rancher's barnyard for $25 or $1000.... I want to be able to enjoy MY Public Lands that I pay a huge amount of taxes to manage for MY benefit, not some Welfare Rancher."

I read and hunting or camping it's all the same to most of these ranchers due to a number of reasons but especially high on their list is slob hunters. I do agree that our taxes should buy us more access. By the way, many of the Wyoming and elsewhere ranchers whom you seem bent on lumping into the Welfare category aren't in that category at all as they own the land they hay and run cattle on.

Jose continuing:
"I disagree, the only way to get the situation better is to drag the BLM and the FS into court, along with any Welfare Ranchers that need to be educated, over and over, forcing them to comply with the laws already ON THE BOOKS. If we have to do this grazing allotment by grazing allotment, so be it. If we have to do it District Ofiice by District Office, so be it."

You have more time and money apparently than most as your manner of gaining access is expensive and time consuming and seldom works. But hey--if it floats your boat, go for it!! The laws on the books, by the way set up that checkerboard pattern and set the rules for allowing access.

You have a nice trip you hear!;)
I come back to the old hunt talk.

Nah, Gunner's just babbling about taking a "Book of Eli" trip with Abbey's "Wrench Gang" cliffnotes secreted upon his person. Maybe he will bless us with some imaginary pictures.:D
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