Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Gonna be leaving lots of gates open.....


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Getting ready to leave to xxxx, Wyoming to go chase speed goats. Got some great advice, some good hints, some permission, some access, etc....

Though, not being satisfied on this new area for antelope, I am still trying to get information via long distance.

And, one of the things I am not sure about is where we will camp. So, I figured I would call up the BLM field office and get some more information. To date, all my contact has been with Forest Service, State of Wyoming, and a bit of private contact.

So, I called the Bureau of Livestock and Mining (BLM) to seek a map

I was trying to find a map of the Bureau of Livestock and Mining (BLM) BLM lands, so that I could enjoy MY Public Lands. Unfortunately, I could not find a map on their website to eventually find a place to camp, and, perhaps, hunt.

So, I called the Secret Town field office which adminsters the BLM lands in Rolling Hills County. I asked the lady that answered the phone if there was a map on the website. She said there was not, but I could call the Cheyenne office and order a map from the BLM there.

I then asked where the BLM lands lie in Rolling Hills County. She said "all over". I said great, which part of the county, east, west, north, south? I asked if there was good places to camp. She said "Oh, no.... most of the BLM land is locked out by ranchers. You really can't use BLM lands here".

Seems like MY Public Lands are for private use only by Welfare Ranchers....

I am guessing that I will follow the old adage of "If you find a gate closed, leave it open. If you find a gate open, close it".
Careful not to lump them all into the same bowl. Both of my lopes this year were taken on BLM that was accessable by touching a public road. In both cases, the ranchers that had land adjacent to it, allows hunting on their deeded and inaccessable BLM by written permission and are very good stewards of the land, both public and private.
Even before leaving on a hunting trip ya just can't seem to shake that rather large chip that sits squarely on your right shoulder can ya JC?
I can understand your frustration but I imagine once you show up you'll find things not so bad. I hate to bite, cause I know you aren't as ridiculous as that sounds, but one would wonder what purpose that "old adage" would serve?

Good luck on your hunt.
Taken from the natives (also good stewards of the land) by the billions of acres at the end of a gun, deemed public, choicest parts with water sold off to whomever then denied access to by the general public by private landowners. Makes sense to me. They have to grant access to national forest land, why not BLM? Maybe that is to benefit the logging interests more so than the general public?
Oh well, leaving in a couple hours for the long trek out there myself. There isn't enough room left in my car to curse a cat without getting hair in one's mouth.
Best of luck!
Good luck post pictures when you get back.Also tell us what unit it is so we are sure not to apply there.
I've lost a lot of respect for you JC... You plan a 'hunt' and fail to get maps until now? WTF???

Just road hunt and don't worry about permission or public lands. It works for a lot of guys in WY, I suppose it would work for a NR too?

Good luck on your hunt.
I've lost a lot of respect for you JC... You plan a 'hunt' and fail to get maps until now? WTF???

Just road hunt and don't worry about permission or public lands. It works for a lot of guys in WY, I suppose it would work for a NR too?

Good luck on your hunt.

I wasn't looking for a place to hunt, I was looking for a place to camp. Somewhere to cut down 3 trees close to camp in order to keep an 8' diameter fire ring stocked with enough coals to melt beer cans, while still having a suitable location for a 6000w Generator that can run all night. It also needs to have level ground as I am planning on bringing some old living room furniture to put out near the fire, and, as a courtesy to future users, I will leave the furniture for their use.
Remember to get your share of fiber so you can leave behind more personal sculptures near the gates you leave open.
Be sure to bring a case of shotgun shells to shoot and leave hulls for 300 yds. \

Oh and Bowling pins....Leave some bowling pins out there so the locals can have some entertainment...once they pick up a full frame of pins they can do prairie bowling on all the land they locked up...

I've been antelope huntin in Colorado. One stop at a rancher's house, who I'd never met before, and he had the map out pointing out good waterholes.

In NE Wyoming, I had coffee with the rancher that neighbored where we were camped. He had hunters on his private but was cordial.

You can catch more flies with Honey than Vinegar, but cow manure works better than either!
Why not try asking a "your welfare ranchers" if the privledge of hunting their private property could be granted. You know they can't keep you off the BLM ground. Why even type such nonsense related to gates. That would be a fine legacy to leave..........
At the risk of invoking one of your typical churlish remarks I"m going to wish you good luck. I do hope that if you leave the Marlboro Man's gate open that he kicks your ass.:cool:
Hunt Early/ Hunt Often

I'm heading out to Thunder Basin for the Oct 1st opener.We're leaving Tuesday on our 1400 mile pilgrimage Best of luck, waiting for pictures from everyone. If I can find a decent connection, I hope to be sending pics by Friday afternoon. Stay Safe!
Why not try asking a "your welfare ranchers" if the privledge of hunting their private property could be granted. You know they can't keep you off the BLM ground. Why even type such nonsense related to gates. That would be a fine legacy to leave..........

Never said I was looking for a place to hunt, I got that covered. I was looking for a place on BLM land to camp. I can't imagine anything worse than camping in a rancher's barnyard next to his machinery shop. Oh wait, I can imagine something worse, that would be buying some Welfare Rancher a bottle of Crown Royal to try and get the "privilege" of hunting MY Public Lands.

I would rather have my fingernails ripped out than to have to pretend that Crown Royal is drinkable and pretend to have sympathy for some Welfare Rancher that is whining about the "collage"-boy BLM guy that made him move his cows off MY Public Lands in August when the grass was gone.

As for a legacy? Well, I am thinking a legacy of MY Public Lands supporting Sage Grouse, free of fences that kill antelope in heavy snow, and a return to being able to hunt wolves in Idaho is a far better "legacy" to leave than a half-empty bottle of Crown Royal. As hunters (and taxpayers) it is incumbent upon us to do all we can to make Welfare Ranching financially and economically more painful to those who feel entitled.
Good luck with the pronghorn.

As an aside I did finish up on The Monkey Wrench Gang last night. I really should have been reading Abbey years ago.
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