Golf courses and sheep

Why couldn't the Wild Sheep Foundation get involved and move these sheep?
As much as I almost hate to admit this, I happen to live in this area. In fact, quite literally, less than a mile and a half from where these sheep have all died. I've spoken to the wardens and some biologists from the area, and the majority have died of natural causes. The problem is, a new golf resort, Silver Rock, is going in right where this is happening, as if the Palm Springs area needs another golf course! My opinion is not scientific, and based only on observation. Wherever there is an abundance of browse, (golf course grass), and water (in this area all water must be recycled, so I need say no more about it's quality), you can put two and two together and see the attraction this poses to the Desert Bighorn. My observation is that the animals begin to look very unhealthy after forging on treated grass and recycled water.

That said, I've hiked through these hills quite a bit, and the only group that appears to be affected by this is the group in and near Silver Rock. The Bighorns I've seen, as recently as two weeks ago, 4 ewes and 4 kids, all looked healthy and were maneuvering through the rocks with little difficulty. But, in typical, mis-prioritized, California mentality, band-aid action, :confused:, the local community has merely recommended installation of high fences along the mountain. The course literally goes up to the base of the mountain, which is their range. So far, that's been the only remedy I've heard proposed. But, that's not to say there aren't other proposals on the table.

Bottom line, there are a lot of Bighorns in this area, and not all of them are using the Silver Rock Resort. You'll also note on the website the plans for expansion, Now this oughta make the sheep happy and content. :mad: All I've needed to do is get back up out of the area and I can see what appears to be healthy sheep walking the hillsides.
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