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Glen's Moose


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2000
Mesa, AZ
My trusty hunting partner went off to Alaska in search of Bullwinkle.. He came back with Bullwinkles cousin, Mortimer..



62" wide and estimated the weight at about 1600 lbs.

Congrats to your buddy Dan,

Thats a nice bull and very nice picture!

Why are the tips of the points taped up? To help them so they don't break on the return trip?

Great bull for your friend. Awesome. Yeah why are the tips taped? So when packing it out he doesnt get shot at?
Originally posted by supersider34:
Yeah why are the tips taped? So when packing it out he doesnt get shot at?
I was gonna ask the same thing.......

Great bull Glen..........I can't even imagine having to pack a critter of the size, out ??!! :eek:
If you look closely the Tips have Shotgun Shells Taped to them. I think it jsut happened to be orange tape. they do this to keep the points from breaking or poking through things during transport...

Although I'm just guessing..... Maybe he just didn't want to get shot too ??!!

Dan, fetchin "A" man, nice bull !!!!
I think it might be pieces of garden hose, to keep the points intact during transport.

Nice bull...

Ahhh.. Indeed not Shotgun Shells. LAst year when I shot my Moose I remembered I left my Garden hose in my other pants ;)
Holy shit far! I allowed to say that Moosie? If not I know we are all thinking that....Sweet! tell yer bud congrats dan,that is awesome.hey Dan did I tell ya Im from Arizona? Cochise County native here bud.
Man I still cant get over that Moose.Hope Moosie doesnt get pissed ya'll done kilt his kin folk! Hahahaha! Daniel