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GI and Their Family's Favor Bush


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
The people who have to do the heavy lifting in Iraq and their families heavily favor the president.
Poll: GIs, Families Trust Bush Over Kerry

WASHINGTON (AP) - When asked who they would trust as commander in chief, people in military service and their families chose President Bush over Sen. John Kerry, a decorated Vietnam veteran, by almost a 3-to-1 margin.

Bush, who served in the Texas Air National Guard, was more trusted by 69 percent while 24 percent said they trusted Kerry more, according to the National Annenberg Election Survey released Friday.

Among all Americans, Bush has a more narrow advantage on trust to be commander in chief, 50-41.

The military sample was far more likely to be Republican than Democratic, which could help explain the more favorable view of the president. Four in 10, 43 percent, of the military sample said they were Republicans, while 19 percent said Democrats and 27 percent independents.

Those in the military and their families have a more favorable view of Bush than Americans generally, and they take a more optimistic view about Iraq, the economy and the nation's direction.

A majority in the military sample, 64 percent, said the country is on the right track. Among Americans generally, 55 percent said the country is headed in the wrong direction.

The National Annenberg Election Survey found that seven in 10, 69 percent, had a favorable view of Bush. Only three in 10, 29 percent, had a favorable view of Kerry.

The Annenberg poll, which does not report head-to-head preferences, did not ask the military respondents who they support for president. The report cited a 1948 law that prohibits polling members of the military about their voting intent.

The poll of 655 in the active military and their families was taken Sept. 22-Oct. 5 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. Their answers were compared to those of 2,436 adults surveyed between Sept. 7-Oct. 3 with a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.
In the combat arms such as the Infantry, Armory, Artilery and MP's the percentages are going to be much more in favor of the President than the armed services in general. I would wager Kerry has a fewer than 10% aproval in the combat arms. But that poll was not that narrow.
Seems to me that Gore tried very, very hard to get the military absentee ballots thrown out, in the Florida recounts. WONDER WHY :confused:

I'll bet my Ruger against a parking lot penny, Kerry will try the same $hit :mad:
Are you trying to tell me that those men and women that are actually fighting this war rather than filtering news stories about it support President Bush? I have been told countless times by reporters the war is a disaster and a quagmire. Are the reporters forgetting to tell our in-country armed services this?
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