NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Gettin' in shape?

Jwill - That's a great photo and nice bull! What state? I'm into my fourth week of training.

Mainly hiking logging roads and running downhill with a unloaded backpack. Going uphill I carry about 20 lbs. when I get to the bottom of the hill I have my six year boy beat me with a club while I do upside down chin-ups
Have been going to the cabin every other weekend. Putting in 3800 elevation gain and have sweat myself down to 148 and legs are doing good. Doc said no more and to just work on the core. Signing up at the "Y" next week for some cardio/stretching/light weight classes now that I am retired. Still slog/jogging an hour every morning and night.One of the best things has been sticking with portion control and laying off the ice cream before bed.

2 weeks out, and I just switched to light beer. Should have switched a couple weeks earlier.

Mountain hunting is 90% mental, and 10% luck. Being in shape just makes it more enjoyable. I'm going to be miserable this year. :)
anyone else get funny looks when you show up to the gym with a pack on and get on the treadmill at max angle (15deg) and fast walk for a hour??? living at sea-level makes it tough now to prepare and when we get to the mountains to adjust. switching to lite beer didn't seen to make a big enough difference so got to keep working at it
anyone else get funny looks when you show up to the gym with a pack on and get on the treadmill at max angle (15deg) and fast walk for a hour??? living at sea-level makes it tough now to prepare and when we get to the mountains to adjust. switching to lite beer didn't seen to make a big enough difference so got to keep working at it

Take that pack to the beach and walk in the sand (drier and looser the better).
Five weeks out for me before I chase white sheep. One more week of treadmill and stair stepper with a weighted pack. Then I have some work trips and a float hunt that'll take me up to the sheep trip. Just trying not to do something stupid between now and then that'll aggravate a joint or muscle.
Take that pack to the beach and walk in the sand (drier and looser the better).

I have a hard enough time just walking in that but your right its a hell of a calf burn and would be great with a pack. I might hit beach in morning now that you inspired
My biggest problem is that food is yummy. Maintaining my weight but getting stronger. making a big push the next 6 weeks along with a hopeful diet change. shin splints have been holding me back all summer.
I started Nutrisystem on May 15, and am down 37 pounds so far. I have been walking about 3 miles a day real hard, and doing some sit-ups and push-ups. I had a total knee replacement in '08, so running is pretty much out of the question. I was down about 25 pounds when I saw that I drew the moose tag, I still think it was the good living that brought the tag my way. I still have another 13 pounds to go to get to my 50 lb. goal before Sept. 15. The pounds are a lot harder to shed now though. I only drop a couple a week now.
I have been working out more the last 2 months but just got serious about 3 weeks ago. Its been hard with work, a wife, and 4 boys age 8 and under to make time to work out. The biggest motivation is that feeling you get when you have your bow in hand, tag in pocket, 60 lbs backpack strapped on and you stare straight up the mountain opening morning lol. That thought is driving me.

I have been doing the following as far as diet:
1 - Dont drink any calories (soda, juice, tea, beer)
2 - 5 or 6 small meals a day vs 3 big ones
3 - no fried or fast food
4 - lots of good protein (venison/elk, jerky, eggs, turkey, chicken)

As far as working out, I have been lifting 3 days a week and running 5 days a week. On the running days I have been doing a 30 minute jog on Mon/Thur, I try to run stairs or wind sprints on Tue/Fri, and then on Sat I either do a long hike or a long run.

Im 6'3", and I am down from 207 to about 198. Im shooting to get down to 190 by Aug 16th which is the archery opener here in Utah.

It would be a lot easier if I hadnt slacked off on my diet and exercise for the last 8 months.
I ran a 50 mile race on Saturday.

I'm with Rob, being a full time warrior is so much easier on you than being a weekend warrior.
I was doing real well with my workouts until my plantars fasciitis came back and took me out. The last 3 weeks have been more about trying to get rid of that beast than working out. So, I've been doing a ton of stretching and icing and have taken it easy, with most of my workouts coming from hiking up and down the hills picking chanterelles. I've continued to eat healthy and am down to 156 pounds. 3 more and I'll be right where I want to be. Tomorrow morning I'm going to start the cardio workouts again on the elliptical. I really want to get back into my hill sprinting but I have a suspicion that it is what lead to the issues I'm dealing with now.

6 weeks and I'll be in the Gila! If that isn't motivation, I don't know what is!
The local running club runs the Shallowater Stampede race the 2nd Saturday of September each year. I've run the 10K distance the last 3 years and it really works well getting me focused and ready for hunting season.

Last year I set the goal to run it faster than my age and snuck in with a 44:51 which was a 7:13 avg pace and beat my age of 45.

This year I just wanted to do better than last year and kind of set my target goal time at beating 44 minutes this year. I barely snuck in with a 43:58.3 which is a 7:05 average pace for 6.2 miles. That was 12th place out of about 80 or 90 runners.

Pretty happy with the fact that I'm getting in better and better shape even though I'm adding another year to my age. The progress isn't as dramatic as it had been when I first started, but still nice to be getting a little bit faster at least.

If you want all the boring details and splits and stuff like that you can read my race report on my blog.

My wife and son both ran the 2 mile race again this month and again we all finished in the top 3 of our age group and got medals.


The countdown clock is moving fast on my Wyoming hunts. Right now it's getting down to a mad scramble getting everything ready.

Hopefully it will all come together and I won't forget anything too important!

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