Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Game meat dog food recipes?


Active member
Oct 10, 2021
Anyone have any favorite recipes for DIY dog food with game meat?

I have about 8-10lbs of perfectly-safe-but-a-little-less-than-tasty trim meat from a cow elk that I was planning on turning into dog food. I've already ground up some and mixed it into their regular food (Science Diet), but I imagine there's something more creative I can do with it.

I mixed 8 lbs old beef with 8 lbs frozen veggies and added 10 cups rice to it and bagged it into 1# chubs. Got 20 packaged of food we froze and take out the day before the current one runs out.

Trying to get 10# chubs of beef/pork/poultry organ meats for regular food.
that would be a good way to use up some old meat out of the freezer,,i imagine somebody has a good recipe out there to use to stretch it out.please post it.
Keep meat raw?? I’ve always been told to still cook slightly, with no seasoning- even though It always made more sense raw??
I cooked our old meat from the freezer this last time.

Other recipes I have say to keep temp sensitive nutrient rich organ meats raw.

I took an article like this to the butcher shop where I got out beef last month and asked them to make me some 5# chubs. I noticed another butcher shop the other direction was offering these for sale already at about $3.49 /lb in 10# chubs.

This isn’t the actual article I took to the butcher, but one with the same lists of organs and suggested weights.

Lean muscle doesn’t have the high nutrient amounts organs do.
I have a large dog. I cut 3/4” cubes of liver and meat and simmer in a very large stock pot until just cooked, skimming off the foam, then bag into quart freezer ziplocks. Liver flavors the meat. I’ll thaw out one bag at a time in the fridge, and give her about 1/4 of the bag a day along with kibbles. She goes completely nuts, loves it.
Heres my dog food recipe
-take 1 whole muledeer buck, remove backstraps, grind rest then slightly cook, hope dog is hungry enough to eat muley.

Tip; I dont even like to cook it in house i use a big pot on side burner of grill
I can tell you that if you feed a dog too many raw moose trimmings in one sitting it makes for a disaster inside of their kennel the next morning 🤮
I will grind it with frozen vegetables that accumulate in the freezer over time. Sometimes feed raw, other times I will put it into muffin tins and bake it. Makes for easy portioning when feeding.
We have put 1-2lbs of venison stew meat and a bag of frozen vegetables (green beans, peas, carrots, etc.) in the Instapot, added half a cup or so of water, hit the Meat/Stew setting, and listen to our Brittany whine expectantly until he went scampering off to the kitchen at the sound of the steam valve releasing. Will often cook a cup of white rice in the broth, as well, especially if he has an upset stomach.
Ive cooked scrap, silver skin, etc then mixed with cooked white rice. I give it with their regular food during hunting season when they are running alot. They love it.
Thanks all! That gives me some good ideas to try.

And yeah, I imagine most of us who do our own butchering are familiar with what happens we we give the dog too many scraps 😂🤮
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