NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Gabby Giffords husband buys AR-15


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
northeast Iowa
Here is the guy who has testified before congress and made the following quote:

“Congress should act to limit the sale of high capacity magazines, which are not needed for hunting or self-defense, but have proven very lethal” and ““Congress should act to limit the sale of assault weapons.”

A few days ago Mr. Kelly went out and bought an AR-15. Once it became public that the weapon was bought by Mr. Kelly... he released the following statement:

"I just had a background check a few days ago when I went to my local gun store to buy a .45. As I was leaving, I noticed a used AR-15. Bought that too. Even to buy an assault weapon, the background check only takes a matter of minutes. I don’t have possession of it yet but I’ll be turning it over to the Tucson PD when I do."

Maybe Mr. Kelly should by all the AR-15's he can find and turn them into the Tuscon Police.

good luck to all
the dog
I'm as pro gun as anyone but I think his explanation is credible. Not even a democrat can be that stupid....
Well I hope he bought one for Gabby... after all she is Obama's poster child.... But I will give MR. kelly kudo's he proved that the "system" worked... an astroNUT with a high security clearance had no problem passing a background check...So whats his point?
So whats his point?

Political stunt.

Days after the purchase and after the news became public, Kelly said he bought the AR-15 to prove that it’s too easy and the background check process is insufficient. However, Kelly’s background was checked (which is also presumably why he couldn’t take the gun home that day), so it’s difficult to understand how his point was made. All Kelly did was prove that an American no criminal record can pass a background check. It seems as if a person intent on exposing any deficiencies in the existing background check system would have found somebody with a record and had that person go through the purchase process to see what happened.
Kelly is now saying that when he takes possession of the AR-15 he’ll be turning it over to the Tucson police, which was his plan ever since… well, at least ever since he found out he was spotted buying an AR-15.
So — hypocrisy, or a really ill-conceived one-man sting operation? You be the judge.
Why didn’t Kelly just follow the advice of Joe Biden? Probably because Kelly is an astronaut, and Joe’s no rocket scientist.

**Written by Doug Powers

...thought you'd like the source miller.;)
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In unrelated news, Mr. Kelly also was seen buying a key of cocaine just to prove how easy it is. He later stated that he had the intention of handing it over to narcotics as soon as possible.

There has to be more to this story. He went to buy a 1911 and just happen to see the AR and figured WTH?
He is not very sneaky since he documented the entire purchase on his FB page.
He's playing the shill for the Obama administration, in preparation for his political run for his wife's Congressional seat. He wants to become a darling of the Democratic party, since he has eyes on an eventual bid for the Oval Office.
anything those idiots can do to put themselves in the lime light. All about the face time. . .he proved nothing . . . but once again his and his wife's name are back in the news. . . . pardon me while I throw up, getting sick of hearing about both of them and their "boss".
anything those idiots can do to put themselves in the lime light. All about the face time. . .he proved nothing . . . but once again his and his wife's name are back in the news. . . . pardon me while I throw up, getting sick of hearing about both of them and their "boss".

Didn't Beitbart break this 'scoop'?;)
He is not very sneaky since he documented the entire purchase on his FB page.

Well, Just a thought... Didn't Mark [ machine gun] Kelly break the law?..:eek:. Isn't he now considered a "straw buyer".:).. he bought an assualt rifle for someone else!... Have you seen the new Obama regimes adds... buy a gun for a friend GO TO JAIL.:hump:
Well, Just a thought... Didn't Mark [ machine gun] Kelly break the law?..:eek:. Isn't he now considered a "straw buyer".:).. he bought an assualt rifle for someone else!... Have you seen the new Obama regimes adds... buy a gun for a friend GO TO JAIL.:hump:

No, well intentioned useful idiots are's on page 3501 of the ACA.
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Yeah, like when the dude on NBC bought a hi-capacity magazine and showed it on air from their studios in Washington D.C.
He is not very sneaky since he documented the entire purchase on his FB page.

Seems to me he posted on his Facebook page... once he knew his purchase would soon be front page news. Secondly, Why did he have to "actually purchase" the gun? Why not go through the process and then say to the seller..... "You know I've changed my mind and I don't want the AR-15". Nice try Mr. Kelly.

good luck to all
the dog
So he had someone take a pic of him purchasing the weapons and then posted it on FB with the thought this won't be news? He is obviously a very intelligent man. I don't agree with all his thoughts on gun violence control, but will give him his platform. Not sure why he didn't cancel the transaction, but doubt that would change this discussion.

Question, which of his opinions on gun violence control do you disagree with?
So he had someone take a pic of him purchasing the weapons and then posted it on FB with the thought this won't be news? He is obviously a very intelligent man. I don't agree with all his thoughts on gun violence control, but will give him his platform. Not sure why he didn't cancel the transaction, but doubt that would change this discussion.

Question, which of his opinions on gun violence control do you disagree with?

Pretty much all of them....His wife wasn't shot with an AR15... SO W.T.F.?

Read A-Cons post... pretty much sums it up...

Nothing can stop crazy pukes like Jared Loughtner...But the Death sentence... in fact I will go as far as.... They had
Oh at least 20 witnesses who saw the shooter... How about a trial within 1 week.. and then execution right after... no appeals... Now for you lefties.... I say this in cases like the Colorado theater... and Gabby's shooting....OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE...where there is 100% certain fact that they got the right guy.
background checks... High capacity mags... is that enough?


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