Friend or foe? Montana's current troubled state.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2016
Markesan, WI
Is it just me or was it hard to read this article and then further troubling that when I was done I couldn't really decide if this author is a friend or foe of the Montana wildlife situation....

Is it really that bad there that I can't tell a true anti hunter isn't an enemy?

He is definitely foe. He is just using Grizzly Bears as an example because it generates more emotion and has more impact on the general public. The undertones of his article seem to indicate he is not for hunting anything. Disappointing since hunters represent a little more than 4% of the population nationwide, and he is using an emotionally charged article to try to convince the 96% of the non hunting population to base their decision on emotion and half truths. He should tell the whole truth why many species rebounded after actions of hunters/conservationists took action in the early 1900's
Bitter and poor writing.

"As a trapper told me, "Every day is like Christmas, I never know what is caught in my trap." It is often by-catch like an eagle, fawn or a family pet."
Lots of broad brush strokes in that article.

I've seen Footloose Montana at a couple meetings.... frustrating when they refuse to look at science and just want to take up precious time that could be used for discussion with the biologists on important proposals. The loud whining gets annoying and is just disrespectful. Doing nothing is not management.
He is certainly a foe, we all know wildlife must be managed. Hunters are conservationists now, haven't always been but we are now. The REMF is why we now have elk herds east of the mississippi, PETA wasn't involved in that. It would be great if someone could reach out to him and take him on a hunt or let him spend a day with a rancher who has to deal with bears or wolves.
Capra comes across as that guy from NYC that says “Oh well you chose to live in MT you have to just coexist with grizzlies in your yard,” but then moves to MT himself and then immediately calls animal control when fluffy is eaten.

That being said I think his article shows just how dangerous folks like Gianforte are to hunting.
Capra comes across as that guy from NYC that says “Oh well you chose to live in MT you have to just coexist with grizzlies in your yard,” but then moves to MT himself and then immediately calls animal control when fluffy is eaten.

That being said I think his article shows just how dangerous folks like Gianforte are to hunting.
That's the point I was trying to make. He is clearly foe but the situation in Montana is allowing him to make a few points that dog gone it, I have to agree with the guy!
Is it just me or was it hard to read this article and then further troubling that when I was done I couldn't really decide if this author is a friend or foe of the Montana wildlife situation....

Is it really that bad there that I can't tell a true anti hunter isn't an enemy?

Not even close - folks like this are trying to start a slow (or not so slow) end to the killing of animals for any purpose.
Capra completely ignores the history of Native Americans hunting and trapping for thousands of years prior to a European setting foot on the continent. He disses ideologies and behavior of settlers, while simultaneously elevating his completely alien anti-hunting/anti-trapping ideology. Humans are not purely existential beings. We are animals on the landscape who interact with our environment, unbroken from the dawn of time. Urbanization distorts an understanding of that relationship.
We all know footloose and Capra are radical nuts who often are basing there arguments around emotion, but after being in a few commission meetings with the guy, you know its bad when he is bringing logical and well structured arguments.
We have a department right now ,who in one deep breath, is telling us there are so few elk because the wolves ate them all but also we need to be hunting elk from feb to august and handing out bull permits in all the LE units because we need to reduce elk numbers!?

I think its plain and clear Capra/footloose are not friendly towards the hunting/trapping communities but damn. Its not good when they are raising valid points.
Made it to reference of “Max the wolf”, and realized that garbage wasn’t worth the read. Didn’t make it to anything to do with footloose MT. About 15 years ago I sent my young son to the footloose MT stand (a mobile propaganda bus opposed to trapping) and had him ask if they were giving out free traps, he wanted one..
He is definitely foe. He is just using Grizzly Bears as an example because it generates more emotion and has more impact on the general public. The undertones of his article seem to indicate he is not for hunting anything. Disappointing since hunters represent a little more than 4% of the population nationwide, and he is using an emotionally charged article to try to convince the 96% of the non hunting population to base their decision on emotion and half truths. He should tell the whole truth why many species rebounded after actions of hunters/conservationists took action in the early 1900's

Emotions-based decisions have led to the grizzly hunting ban in BC in 2017. The herd was healthy and this was simply done as grizzly bear hunting was "no longer socially acceptable". These detractors are claiming tbat revenues from "bear watching" are greater than the hunting industry and are going ahead with purchasing outfitter/guide leases and quotas in BC. Several territories and their tag quotas have been purchased by anti-hunting groups. They're rejoycing themselves and doing everything they can to bring down hunting in BC.

Now BC Wilds Sheep foundation and many First Nations are calling for the return of Grizzle bear hunts and science based management. I personally don't think it will ever come back. This isn't about conversvation and 100% about stopping all hunting as their end-game. They have time, money and resources to do so.

I hope Montana and Wyoming do eventually allow Grizzly hunting and I'll be the first to throw my name in the hat if tags are ever allocated to non-residents.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this guy is just a bit of a clown...

"What really is happening is a breakdown in our society being led by profiteering outfitters for trophy wolves and disenfranchised people in rural communities who take their anger out on wildlife, especially keystone predator species, as though it is their right"

That is a bold statement! I'd be a little upset if I was one of those "disenfranchised people"

I also like that he makes a statement about how food conditioned bears need to be dealt with and the only reason he gives is that the FWP director thinks they are a problem. He clearly doesn't understand wildlife management, especially large predator management in the west.

I like when writers like this remind the public that many animals were slaughtered upon the arrival of western folks and they automatically compare them to the hunters of today. He should explain that their are now seasons and quotas for virtually everything that are based on population estimates by people who are professionals.

I don't think there is anything scientific in this article...
I didn’t have to read past the headline of the article to know where that garage was heading.