Fridays Federal Review Poll

This Week’s Polls

CBS (Bush 43 | Kerry 42)
CNN/USAToday/Gallup (Bush 48 | Kerry 47)
Fox News/Opinion Dynamics (Bush 47 | Kerry 40)
Iowa Electronic Market (Bush 53.0 | Kerry 46.1)
Rasmussen Week Average (Bush 45.4 | Kerry 45.9)

Bush is ahead by 15.4 if you add it all up. haha
I would suppose if Bush recieved 1/10th the possitive publicity he deserves on this, he would win this country by a landslide.
There are many people in the media that should be tried for treason and shot on National TV...

Can you tell us what media people (by name) need to be shot for treason.

Oh, and please supply proof of their treason.

And also try to explain how due process will be assured by your "shot on National TV" comment.

I think Gunner is right, you are clueless.

You whine about how other countries mistreat their people, how they arent allowed free speech, then you turn around and post that BS.

Oh, and by the way, there are many countries that work the way you just described...

You need a passport?
Hey Elkchaser.....Let's start with Peter Jennings

Please provide proof of the treason committed by Peter Jennings...

This should be good. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
On ABC, Peter Jennings oozed sympathy for Alger Hiss after his conviction: "He lost his livelihood and his marriage. He protested his innocence until the very end, and last year, we reported that the Russian President Boris Yeltsin said that KGB files supported Mr. Hiss's claim." A Soviet agent who lost his livelihood after his conviction? One would hope Jennings would consider that a positive development in light of the millions of lives lost to the brutal regime he served.
More for "Duh Liberal Fly"..... But while CNN’s King highlighted how former Joint Chiefs Chairman Hugh Shelton saw no difference in how the Bush team approached Iraq than did the Clinton administration, “as others in those early national security meetings took issue with suggestions Mr. Bush was predisposed to war,” ABC’s Peter Jennings ignored what O’Neill said on Today and cited how an “official in the meetings,” whom Jennings did not identify, “confirmed Mr. O’Neill’s account” of how “it was clear in meetings from the time Mr. Bush got to the White House that 'getting Saddam,’ as he put it, was the administration’s focus.”

"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague."

Nice examples of treason you posted there. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I think maybe you and elkcheese both need to catch that ever elusive CLUE.

By the way, you arent really serious about those being examples of TREASON by the media are you?
HAHAHAHA!!!! Buzz you are some funny shit some times... LMAO!!!! :D

"Don't confuse me with facts my minds made up."

Seems to be the motto for those that want to hide so far into an agenda that they won't see what is in front of them every day...

Thanks Whitedeer for the help...

I won't name names, or places or times of days for you.

I will state that you or any one for that matter can turn on the TV, watch any news program and see what they put out about the subject of this war.

You hear from the troops in letters posted on this very board that things are going a lot better, the locals seem to be a lot happier and the whole world for these people are looking up.
All we see from most of the media is death and distruction from Allah himself. The bad American infidels are doing nothing but creating a bigger mess then when we went in.

Decay, destruction, cancer, that is all we the American people are any where and every where we touch, in the whole world, including ours in this very country we call home.

Very rarely if ever is any thing good posted where we and our beloved money the world seems to crave-praised, or even given thanks for our efforts.

Nope, I don't see any of this going on, because I am blind to that fact, ;)

The medias hatered for this country and it's leader are so great, that even if every thing in Iraq were restored and the country picked up the ball and stood up to the plate on their own two feet. Our esteemed 'media' would still find only sour grapes to peddle and give only cancer for the American people to chew on.

Nope, because I am stupid, I don't see any of this, I just see the media as the great saviours of this country and it is them that should be electing those in power and office because it is them that walks on water.... ;) Well according to some of course... HAHAHAHA!!! :D

I should put a disclaimer in here because, as is the norm, things in this post will be taken out of context and used to further some unknown, unseen, uncared for cause or agenda that in reality in the big picture will mean pretty much nothing.
The disclaimer is, that every thing in the "Nope" paragraph is strictly tongue in cheek statements....

I think you better move back in at Warm're buddies are missing you.

Thanks for not answering the questions as usual.

When and if you get around to posting some facts on the TREASON committed by those in the media, I'd be willing to discuss it.

But, as usual, you tuck tail and run once you're called on your BS posts.

How about a few facts instead of your jibberish?
Would Dan Rathers "meeting" with Saddam Qualify? or how about Geraldo Riviera drawing "troop positions' in the sand [while the war was in its early days] seems like "treason" to me.
cjcj, a meeting and drawing a freaking map in the sand????

Please, dont make me lump you in with Elkcheese.

I think you're smarter than that.

But, if we want to discuss real TREASONOUS acts, we could start with the "Gipper"...

Theres a lot more to that than a sketch map in the sand and a meeting.
Here's what some said in the news on that interview with Saddam by Rather. I remember it made me feel uncomfortable. I remember Saddam saying he was never defeated to, he kept fighting, all he could, till GW Bush ended it.

"He called the mass murderer Hussein "Mr. President" and disrespectfully referred to his own President Bush as simply "Bush."

I put nothing beyond him. Moral idiocy in the embodiment of a learned buffoon. In my opinion, a 'Rather treasonous Dan.' "

I think Elkchsr must have been remembering that?
Shot on national T.V. is a bit too much to hope for , how about a public caning ? That might be do-able .
Buzz , while imploring others to get a clue , you my friend are missing the first rule of thumb ; DO NOT BELIEVE THE LIBERAL MEDIA !!!
They are lying to you . They have an agenda .
They may noy hate this country , but their rabid hatred of our president completely nullifies their ability to report ANYTHING objectively .
I suppose I can kick one name out there just to appease ol' Buzz...
Jane Fonda ring any bells, and that would just be a start. I am not getting into a pissing match with you Buzz. I will not fall into the "little" trap you alway's like to put people in.
You can say any thing you like, would it matter what I post, how much facts I post.
Probably not. ;)
You would twist what ever was said to fit into your closed box so you can understand. I don't even want to rain on your parade. You do enough of that yourself.

Besides as usual, it just doesn't matter how right or wrong you are. You lost the whole debate, I thank you for handing it to me just by way of default.
Hey ElkCheese,

When did Jane Fonda become part of the Media??? I don't know that being married to Ted Turner makes one part of the Media.

That is pretty funny that ElkCheese is supporting a Stalin/Saddam type of government.... I guess his true colours are showing through....
Yep, that's it.. You nailed me right on the head... You really are a smart one, arn't you... ;)
Your also right, I guess she has never been part of the media directly, but it seems like we do see her on the Tely and the Media more than some one else famous.... Lets say, like ....YOU!!!