Kenetrek Boots

For Tom's beneath you, Nemont, of all people, to try to pin this INDIANA bs on anyone but INDIANA.
Damn, was this issue about IN...or any particular state for that matter? Is this only about where you draw the line on pen size? I would just as soon get rid of the line.
So you thing somethings wrong with darting a animal, loading him up with a front end loader and moving him to a 1 acre pen to be run around for an Hour to be shot by a guy in a treestand and a camera crew? HUMmmmmm.. ;)'s beneath you, Nemont, of all people, to try to pin this INDIANA bs on anyone but INDIANA.

I wasn't pinning the high fence stuff on any state. Tom is the one who thinks high fence hunting is a good thing. The point of this video is the challenges that commercializtion of wildlife brings to fair chase hunters and the bad public perception.

Did you take the time to listen to the what the guy from the National Wildlife Federation had to say? It bothers me that guys, like Tom, only think it is a private property right and they do not care what it does to other hunters.

NYH wrote ".it's beneath you, Nemont, of all people, to try to pin this INDIANA bs on anyone but INDIANA."

When I read that,I laughed.

Mtnmiller wrote "Damn, was this issue about IN...or any particular state for that matter? Is this only about where you draw the line on pen size? I would just as soon get rid of the line."

I laughed again when I read this thinking Mtnmiller didn't get the joke.

Now after Nemonts last post, I'm thinking I didn't get it. I was just teasing about Texas and west of the mississippi hunters.
I'd seen it before Jeff. I can't see anyone here condoning game porn...not even Tom.
They tried him on 38 federal charges and shut him down. That's not legit high fence hunting, its illegal. Its not a reason to shut down all high fence hunting any more than argueing to shut down public hunting because there are poachers on public land would be a reason to shut down all public hunting. You just shut down the poachers and illegals.

What 12% Nemont? Was that in the recording, I didn't listen to it all? Did they give a reference for how they got 12% of hunters, what hunters?
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