First cat with a handgun


New member
Jul 13, 2005
Gonzales, Texas
Sunday evening I was taking a ride around on the ranch looking for animals with my family. My father and mother were with me along with my two kids, Matthew and Emily. As we were driving along I saw something crouching down under a youpon tree next to a mesquite. It was a good size bobcat hoping we didn't see him. They will commonly not run from you if they think you haven't seen them. I whispered to my kids, " Be quite. There's a cat right there!" Could you believe they actually did it? How come they never do that when they are home? LOL! Emily whispered, "Get him Daddy!" I quietly got my gun out and Emily said she wanted to be with me so I let her stand in front of me with my arm holding the gun in front. We aimed together as I pulled the trigger. PoW! One kill right thru the shoulder and the cat jumped a bit and fell over. That was all she wrote. My son was sitting behind me the entire time watching over my shoulder. Immediately they both wanted to go see it. I told Emily to find a big long stick first to use to check to make sure it was dead. She did and we all walked up to ground check the cat. Emily first poked it in hind leg and then she poked his head. It didn't move so she announced that it was dead. The smiles on my kids faces during this entire event made the hunt very memorable for me. This was the first time they have both been with me to shoot something. I think I can see the hunter side in Emily and Matthew is not far behind.

I decided to get the cat life size mounted on a branch similar to how it is in the picture but with the head turned differently . It will go in the corner of my den up high. I think it will look really good there, unless the wife thinks differently. Otherwise I think it may go in one of the kids rooms. Being that they were with me and I enjoyed it so much with them being there, I think it would be fitting for it to go in either ones room.



shoots-straight said:
Nice pics, but isn't there a season on bobcat's in Texas?

Thanks, and no there is no season on bobcats in Texas.
See the following link:

Bobcats and coyotes are not considered furr bearing animals in Texas. You can hunt them in Texas with a valid hunting license running from Sept 1 to August 31 of the following year. There is no limit on coyotes or bobcats in Texas. However, you do need a permit to sell the hide.

This is the third bobcat we have killed in a year on our ranch. There are a lot of them, not necessarily on my ranch, but in my area of the state. My taxidermist has received 47 of them since September of 2005. 80% of his business is local and his shop is only 30 miles from me.
only in Texas would there be no season on a native specie that is classified a fur bearer in just about every other state yet. Goes well with all the other high fence, no season, live stock Texans have grown accustomed to killing
...& only the montanny mouth would piss & moan about it. TP&W seems to do ok without ya pal.

Nice pics Curtis.
280 said:
only in Texas would there be no season on a native specie that is classified a fur bearer in just about every other state yet. Goes well with all the other high fence, no season, live stock Texans have grown accustomed to killing

280 stick to the funny stuff..:D .. otherwise brush up on the "other states"hump
Here in Montana a bobcat is a fur bearer with a limited season and tags required. Since Montana is not Texas that would make Montana a "other state".
280 said:
only in Texas would there be no season on a native specie that is classified a fur bearer in just about every other state yet. Goes well with all the other high fence, no season, live stock Texans have grown accustomed to killing

Good grief!

Where do you get off trying to make fun of something that I cherrished with my kids? Does what I did affect you so much that you gotta make a post like that and complain about how I got it? FYI it was completely a FAIR CHASE hunt and I do consider it a once in a lifetime opportunity to do something like that with my kids. I don't know of many others that would have a chance like that nor pass it up.
From a different Montana man congrats on a great cat and better yet that you got to do something great with your kids. Seeing that you probably don't get to write your game rules in your state but only follow them congrats on an ethical hunt.

schelmster said:
From a different Montana man congrats on a great cat and better yet that you got to do something great with your kids. Seeing that you probably don't get to write your game rules in your state but only follow them congrats on an ethical hunt.

ditto, nice job and congrats
csutton7 said:
excellent job, there's nothing like taking an animal with your kids---congrats--chris

Great looking cat! ;)

Have taken quite a few deer with my 6 yr old daughter present, it is wonderful. :D

Our sesaon on bocats in Tn is during deer season, with NO limit.