finished boar skull photo


New member
Jun 21, 2001
Rural Wa. State/ Ellisras South Africa
Here is the photo of the finished boar skull from Tennessee. It scores 19.5" making it very high in the SCI record book! came out really nice IMO!

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It seems like he took a tusk to the top of the head when he was young or maybe ran into a tree at top speed? The skin has no damage or scaring so it must be a very old wound. The size of the skull and score is much higher then I ever imagined. 19.5" ranks this boar very high in the SCI book. I never even considered shooting such a big record book quality boar when I was hunting there and never realized just how big it was until I got home and was able to get the teeth out to score them.

One thing for sure, that wound to the head had to really hurt like heck when it happend!
That is a great looking skull. I just got my boar skull back out of the 520lb. Russian Boar I shot at 72yards with my ThompsonCenter Pistel in 30/30 cal. I know wish I had gone with the Beetles.
No, wild pigs are scored by measuring the length of the lower tusks on the outside edge around the curve. Then Measuring the circumfrence of the base of each tusk. These are then all added together. For example the number one Boar from the USA scores approximately like this:

11" long and 3.5" circumfrence

Mine is 7-4/16" long and 2-8/16" circ. on the right side and 7-5/16 length and 2-9/16 on the left side Total 19-10/16". In the last SCI record book I have it shows only about a dozen skulls all time over 20" they are the real exceptional monster hogs! I do know there are places that will trap and break off the upper tusks to allow the lowers to grow exceptionally long. SCI will require any of the top ten scores to be measured by a panel of scorers or a master scorer. When they see that he tusk has an abnormal length for the girth and they see that the radius of the tusk is too long to have been worn against an upper tooth it will likely be disqualified. The uppers and lowers must mesh properly and no games played with the way they grow naturally. If you look at the top photo you can see that they grind properly on my skull. WIth the upper missing the lower will grow into a half circle because it has nothing to gring against.

Warthog, and forest hog do not score the lower teeth this way only wild boars do.

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