Yeti GOBOX Collection



Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Not Virginia anymore!
So my season took a turn for the better this evening. After loosing a nice buck opening week, I was able to close the deal on a nice bull (at least a nice one for me). I finally found a hot bull a few nights ago and had him ripping down the mountain to me before he winded me. Never did see him, but he sounded big. I gave him a day to settle down and then went back for him this afternoon. I wish I had a great story, but it happened pretty quickly and only 200 yards from the truck. I hadn't been hiking five minutes when I came around the corner and there were two cows feeding in a meadow at 3:30, which was surprising given that is was 85 today. I looked behind them in timber and saw some horns. I grabbed an arrow, got my release on, and ranged the cows at just over 40 yards just before he came out of the woods. He followed right behind them. I cow called to stop him and stuck him right behind the ribs as he was slightly quartering away. I heard him crash on top of the hill not 75 yards away. I gave him a little over 30 minutes before I made my way up the hill. He's not one of the monsters I saw early in the year, but I'll definitely take him for my first first bull. Good timing too since I'm down to my last two packs of meat from last year. Sorry for the fuzzy picture. The autofocus is busted on my camera and I didn't realize the picture was out of focus until we got back to the truck. Packing him out took all of 20 minutes.


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very nice! love it when all falls into place for easy pack out!

That's a really nice bull, never mind the twenty minute pack out!
Capt, a little luck never hurts. I'm sure it won't be this easy ever again. Mud, I don't mind giving up this location as I doubt anyone in their right mind would come out to hunt this struggling elk herd in the middle of grizzly country. However, I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be. I've only had one day in the two short years I've been elk hunting out here that I haven't seen an animal. Maybe it's not quite as good as it used to be, but there's still plenty of critters to chase. You probably just have to work a little harder than you used to.
Congratulations man!

20 minute pack out, color me jealous. My antelope took longer than that.
Congrats Dunc. Just because it wasn't a brutally painful hunt doesn't make it any less fun. Probably even more fun. Hope your season keeps going this direction.
Great Job! Thought that was a black bear in the background when i first looked:)

Post any other pics if you have any unfuzzy ones:)
Like my air tight wrap job that will keep any of the nastiness from escaping into the garage? Yeah, my wife bought until she opened the kitchen door this morning. I've been put on notice that I have until the sun goes down tomorrow to remove the rotting head from the garage before she burns it.


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