Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

FIBULA breaks. Tell me some good news


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
I broke it yesterday. I know some of you must have been there. Please tell me you were able to carry a heavy pack in 8 weeks.
I was 5 months before I could carry a pack and not hurt
I broke my fibula from a really bad stress fracture and it was probably out for 2-4 weeks in a boot/crutches and was able to walk and bike pretty normally at 4 weeks or so. 8 weeks and you are usually pretty close to 90% again, but are just fighting the muscle atrophy and trying to get fitness back.
I broke my fibula from a really bad stress fracture and it was probably out for 2-4 weeks in a boot/crutches and was able to walk and bike pretty normally at 4 weeks or so. 8 weeks and you are usually pretty close to 90% again, but are just fighting the muscle atrophy and trying to get fitness back.

If I can road bike in 4 weeks I can get some fitress back. That would be good. I need to see an ortho guy here soon for the misalignment so that is going to be the big thing. It ain't over yet Miller, I will do whatever it takes to make it a go.
If I can road bike in 4 weeks I can get some fitress back. That would be good. I need to see an ortho guy here soon for the misalignment so that is going to be the big thing. It ain't over yet Miller, I will do whatever it takes to make it a go.

I think I was riding on the trainer at 2 weeks and was riding outside in 4 weeks. I was aquajogging after a week or so in as well. You have to stay as active as possible, take on a ton of calcium and minimize all the things that reduce calcium absorbsion. If you do it right you will be at 98% in 3 months.
I think I was riding on the trainer at 2 weeks and was riding outside in 4 weeks. I was aquajogging after a week or so in as well. You have to stay as active as possible, take on a ton of calcium and minimize all the things that reduce calcium absorbsion. If you do it right you will be at 98% in 3 months.

3 months is not going to help for Colorado, but I have an elk hunt in October and MT deer in November is not a problem.
If you were as nice as some say you are you would have that rig ready for me in September.
Don't push it & do what therapist says.
You could be setting yourself up for years of problems later if you don't.
Hunt closer & smarter this year. Get help with a pack out.
Good news is that these are cheap...

Hope you heal fast and straight! Sorry to hear that it happened.
My brother the orthopaedic surgeon (he spells it the snooty way) tells me that he demands his surgery and fracture patients to avoid taking NSAID's (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) like Ibuprofen and Aleve (and the rx'd ones too) while in healing phase. Bone healing requires inflammation to proceed, and the NSAIDs slow down the inmflamatory cycle, thus slowing down healing. So you may be forced with a choice: reduced pain and possibly delayed healing (taking NSAIDs) or more pain and faster potential healing without NSAIDs.

Tylenol, Ultram (tramadol) and narcotics will not have the anti inflammatory effects........and as a reminder, narcotics don't make you not hurt, they just make your care less that you are hurting.

Heal well, work with your body and not against it.

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