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Few sage chickens...


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I got my three counts in on the three leks that I was assigned by the UT DWR this spring. This spring has been quite a bit more bird and bird watching friendly with more fair weather. The best day, of the three, I counted 141 males on the three leks! This is much higher than any single count than I had last year, which was the highest on record for the county. Hope that means good things for this year's results...

These aren't quite 'miller-esque', but a few shots from last week:


At least in this county they seem to be doing quite well. We'll get the tractors and the fire crews out this fall to keep making some 'more' sage grouse habitat. We've done a bit of vegetation treatment in the county in the last five years. That along with some of the work done on private and the few small fires seem to have really helped.
Nice! Making more habitat, eh? Maybe you've found the solution to the dilemma of energy development in grouse habitat. ;)
pointer, have you ever done any counts around grouse creek? i havent hunted them there in about 2 years, but there was a good population of them. lots of bigger males.
rosco- Sorry for taking so long, I just noticed your post. Yeppers, I counted birds around Grouse Creek for two years, but not for the past couple. From all accounts, the birds are doing pretty good. One lek had over 200 males on it on one morning last year! They've had some pretty big fires up in that country the last five years and the rehab has done pretty well in many places, so I'm hoping they keep doing well. There's been quite a bit of vegetation treatments on both private and public to help the birds, which hasn't hurt either.
they seem to do well out there, you would think they named the place after them!

I have a buddy that i hunt with out there, his family ownes a ranch. they have been chaining the junipers and re-seeding, the grouse sure like the new openings. Simplots land out there sure has a healthy population.
Yeppers, they're not doing to bad. Chaining some junipers sure does seem to help. So far, we've had to use slower, more expensive methods than chaining, but seem to be getting a similar response. I hope Simplot hangs on to that ranch, they've done a pretty good job with it. The scuttlebutt is that it may be up for sale now that JR has passed...
Tom, get yourself drawn for a permit in UT and I'll make sure you get one! Seriously, I love hunting those things.
Or better yet skip hoping for a permit in Utah and just come to Idaho and do it over the counter.
Or better yet skip hoping for a permit in Utah and just come to Idaho and do it over the counter.
There is that option. Birds still doing good in your part of ID? I haven't heard any news out of southern ID, where the big fires were two years ago, have you?
I have not heard much news out of the Murphy fire. I know that IDFG did a major reseeding effort in parts of it.

Birds seem to be doing well in the Upper Snake, we are having a 23 day season this year with a two bird limit. Had the same season last year and tons of people taking part in it.
I always see them when hunting antelope in WY. This year I'm taking a shotgun.
Tone- Thanks! I know that portions of the Murphy stabilization efforts and post-fire management have ended up in court... :( I know that in a few areas I work, the sage hens (that's for miller) seemed to really like the results post fire.

Oak- You should! They're a hoot to hunt! That, and I like to eat 'em.

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