NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Favorite thing with hunting


New member
Nov 28, 2001
What is your favorite part of hunting.
Is it the actual lurking about the hills and dales?
Visiting with buddies?
The actual kill?
The memories it creates?
The experiences you get when you are in the field?
I agree with Nut:D

I like it because it can roll with my moods. Sometimes....I sit in a tree and am almost bummed when an animal wakes me up:D

I'm primarily a bowhunter and one of the big draws is just solitude and quiet time.

I can (and have) hunt 50 yards from another guy all season and we never know the other is there unless we meet at the trucks or track an animal.
Pretty much all of it but if I had to pin it down to one thing I would have to say the time spent on the mountain alone,sitting at a good vantage point listening to the sounds of nature just as the sun is just coming up. Glassing the drainage for any kind of movement or sign of your prey. Letting your mind wonder to past hunts and to the anticipation of seeing that once in a lifetime trophy appearing in your glasses. All of it is good but that's the time I like best.
Yea, all that too but the best for me is getting back to camp and sharing the days experiences. Who saw what. strategies...general fellowship. Hunting is a great common denominator to the field, politics, occupation, religion all seem to take a back seat to true fellowship. Assholes usually find themselves lonely.
I just enjoy being out there. Just watching game is a kick to me. I spend every day off walking new trails. (cept yesterday when it rained buckets, then I bought a new bow) looking for new deer spots. The harvesting of game is the smallest part of it all, kinda anticlamatic. I will talk hunting and fishing with anyone, anywhere. I very seldom hunt with anyone else, unless its the six day regular season. Then I hunt with my gun club, but only half a day for two days, then its back to my tree stand for the rest of the day, so its not the camaradirie. When the water temp gets above 50 degrees I will start fishing, about every day off. I would rather sit in a tree, or on the boat than cut grass, or plant posys for the wife.
The thing that I like most about hunting is the absolute feeling of FREEDOM that I get when I'm in the woods...

For a week, or a day, or perhaps just a couple of hours, hunting helps me escape the everyday routine and responsibility of modern life.... While I'm there, my mind is totally engrossed in what I'm doing...

It's like a " BRAIN ENEMA".... It cleanses my mind.....
I like all of it.

I really enjoy trying to figure out where older/larger animals live. I enjoy the country the bigger animals tend to live in, rarely ever near a road. I like the pre-season scouting, applying for the permits, doing research, working up loads for my rifles, etc.

I also enjoy the chance to hunt with a select few good friends and my family. I like the hiking, enjoy even the tough pack-outs.

The part I like the least is the killing part, kind of sucks to have spent countless hours in preparation for the hunt, scouting, etc. and it all ends when the critter hits the dirt. I always feel a certain amount of remorse for spanking a good critter, but also feel a sense of accomplishment as well. Its what I'm out there for, to challenge myself and force myself to become better at hunting, shooting, tracking, etc. etc. etc.

Theres no best part, all the parts complete the entire experience...from the applications right down to the cutting and wrapping.
You're right Buzz...the parts are greater than the sum. One thing I just remembered was how good that first motel shower and clean sheets felt after a 6 day camp.
Just getting out of the rat race, and having to fend for your self. And see all the game. Its just simpler out thier.. in the middle of now were! elkay
Imagine that, you and I agree to a 'T' on what is most enjoyable and the reasons we are out there doing what is truly a love of just being there for the whole experience.
I had an old freind tell me 30 years ago that the secret to happiness was always planning a hunting or fishing trip. Countless hours of preparation and excitement. Getting your gear in order and all of the above. Heck anymore getting drawn for bull elk in a good unit is like winning the scratch and sniff lottery. The whole thing just makes life more interesting to me.

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