Ever wonder where Moosie learned to dance?!

Buuuaaahahahahahahahahahahaha :D :D

Knee's in
Knee's out
Twirl your lasso.....

Bwahahahaha. Damn you should have seen me boogieing in front of my desk. That's classic Breezy!
You are too hilarious! :) I don't know where you find all the video footage. Oh yeah, you create a lot of it!! :D

Keep up the good moves...
how come whenever i try to watch these vidios, i get this thing at the bottom of the screen that says "buffering" and it never gets to 100%. then the vidio will take several miniutes of nothing then these little 2 second bits of movement. i know that i must be about dumber than a fishing worm about my computer but hey what the heck, i doupt if moosie learned to dance in one day either. thanks for any forthcoming advise on how to play these vidios. twodot
Correct me if I'm wrong those of you with better computer skills, but I am thinking Reeeaaallly slllooow connection speed. Fixed by updating your modem and/or changing internet provider.
Right click on the Lin kand Click on the "SAVE TARGET AS" button and Save it to your c: drive. that will give you a better chance with a Slow connection. It will take awile but eventually it'll get done.
mojave n moosie, thanks for the advice. moosie, i tried each link the way you advise and get a red X box that says that the "device is not ready" i'm gonna have to take a class. twodot

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