Caribou Gear

Ever been to New Orleans?


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
I watched the boob tube last night and I can't believe the total destruction that that area has been dealt. When I went out yesterday all of the stores were packed with people who had to flee the storm. Mississippi was hit real hard also and now we have looters "getting what I need to survive". Yeah, they needed that watch in the jewlery case to see when to plug in the Tv they got in the Electronics department! Our govenor has ordered that New Orleans be evacuated. What do you do if one day you are living your life and the next it is swept away? I cannot imagine such a senario!
I definitely think if that happened to me it just might interrupt hunting season. Now that would be a tragedy! Seriously, it is really, really sad, and I feel fortunate that we don't have hurricanes here. But...we do have volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, so I am sure the time will come when I could be in the same sort of situation.
It's too bad, but it's exactly what some people have been predicting for years. What do you expect when you have a city by the ocean that is below ocean level and surrounded by water? Some people live on earthquake faults, some live in forests that are likely to burn, some live in flood plains----then they all act surprised when disasters happen!

If they rebuild New Orleans the same thing will happen again someday, maybe even next year. Now even those of us thousands of miles away from New Orleans will be subject to high gas prices, and just when hunting season is starting! I'm pissed off and I think only idiots would try to keep living somewhere below sea level. Might as well give up on New Orleans and move somewhere on higher ground---and I don't mean two feet above sea level.

I'm tired of people making stupid choices and then crying about the consequences.

I don't want that looting crowd moving to any other state, either. Keep them in Louisiana.
It is stupid to build either in a flood plain or to think about living below SEA LEVEL, HELLO!!!! I just don't see paying for N.O. twice! And please take at least some of those looters, we don't want them all!!! Seeing some of them acting like it was a carnival was the worst part, people living for the next few hours, then let Uncle Sam come get me and make it up to me! John
Nope, never been there though our dept. has offered to send me to a couple of meetings there over the years the offer didn't really blow my dress up.
Might visit should it float by the coast of NorCal close enough for a weekend trip though...

Dealing with the financial aftermath of that storm is gonna effect us all for quyite some time though- reg. gas hit $3.09 here this am! :eek:

Were you hammered up much your way DStud?
The wind blew one day and thats was it. Everywhere the hotels and RV parks, along with the Fairgrounds are full. The school systems are trying to arrange for the displaced students to attend our schools up here. Yes, we all will be paying for this storm through higher oil and gas costs, that does not rattle me too much. I know just how much of our (everyone in the US) energy came through such a small part of our country, I have seen some increases and it will depend on whether they can get those refineries back on line fast enough to suppress those gas prices. It really does no good to release oil from the stratigegic oil site if you can't refine it. It's time for those bases they are talking about closing to be converted to refineries with a green light from the powers to be, heck most of those sites are online for superfund cleanup now as I understand it. John
I agree with Ithaca, but you can't really blame the general population of people who live(d) in New Orleans. Most of them just don't think about something like that ever happening. It was stupid to build a city of that size there in the first place, and I agree, it will be extremely stupid if they decide to build there again. I would think it would be difficult if not impossible to get loans for rebuilding, unless of course the loans are provided by the government. :mad:
The government will probably give them money outright or offer low interest loans to rebuild exactly as it was. They do it all the time here with earthquakes or landslides. They build million dollar homes on the sides of mud cliffs, then whine about losing their homes when the rains come and the houses slide to the bottom, until Uncle Sugar comes in and pays off their mortgage and gives them a new loan at low interest, funded by our tax dollars....
They are in a sad state...

I'll put money on it that the rebuild. Civilization has been doing just that, building on rubble since the begining of time...

Sucks about gas prices too. I'm lucky enough to not have to drive far, and could actulaly forgoe driving during the week. I may do just that..

Looters should be shot on sight unless they are carring food or clothing.
I think it was 92 when Andrew Blew thru. I was sent down to Houma, Chauvin, Cocordie, Montegut, Theriot, Amelia to help put the communications systems, telephone and cable back together. I was given a choice, spend the winter and following spring down there, or ROCHESTER NEW YORK. Hello Cajuns, here I come. That was a disaster, this is even worse. I'll never forget seeing Cocorodie, all the homes were blown out into the Gulf of Mexico, the pole lines were missing, it looked like some one layed out the streets of a town, and forgot to put the houses. Not alot of destruction because the houses blew away. You could see them laying out across the flats. Sure am glad I don't do that work anymore. The first week wehad to drink beer, cause the water wasn't any good. I sure feel bad for them folks, but they picked the place to live, not me.

I imagine the fish kill was tremendous. All that wind adding oxygen to the water, kills a lot of fish, gators, and other water dwellers.
Most of the solid waste that comes out of the north east for the next couple of years. That would be the cheapest, easiest way to do it.
Tom.. that story took place "Published on: September 11, 2001"

YAH, been there, done that. Lived in Amilia Louisiana for 3 years. Just outside of Morgan city. Cajan..... baby !!!!
I heard some one call into the Sean Hannity show from the area and state that some of the gas stations are really taking advantage of the disaster by raising their prices up to $4.99 a gallon... :eek:
Been there and IMO the best thing for New Orleans was this storm..About the only way to clean the stintch from Burbon Street.

.I have an ex-sister in law that whores around there, and wanted me to bring Becky and the girls down there,,but it no place I would take my family..

As far as rebuilding New Orleans,,I say hell no..Leave it underwater...

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