Caribou Gear Tarp


Seems odd to ask someone to buy a rifle for you, let alone get upset when someone refuses. I haven't been here all that long but do enjoy your posts, you have a lot of knowledge on things I haven't experienced.

With the gamut of people on the internet I sympathize with anyone who doesn't want to post pictures. If I had children/ grandchildren later on I for sure wouldn't post pictures of them on a public forum, and would only post pictures that included the girlfriend if she was comfortable with it.

I wasn't 100% sure I read that right. Crazy! Can you imagine being so entitled?
April I have known you now for well over 10 years ( since the Cabela's forum days). I have personally seen the generosity you and your family have shared ( I was one of the people invited to go on that hunt that Randi mentions above but work schedule wouldn't allow it).

I remember when my wife and I moved from Chicago to Kansas City, far from family I received a message from you telling me to never look back. You instructed me to keep exploring the world with our children and take them wherever the career took us. You told me that keeping them close and always involving them would make our family unit stronger ( it did) and that our daughters would never forget all the adventures ( they remember them all). The two oldest still talk about eating a PB&J with me on top of the Jemez Mountains in NM after fishing for trout in the national forest and that was 5 years ago!

I even took your advice and planted the seed years ago with the wife that when we retire, 6 months in the mountains and 6 months on the beach somewhere. It took a little time but we are now 100% in agreement with this. The wife and I took a 10 day cruise through the Mediterranean last summer and it was breathtaking. Spain was our favorite stop by far and we both agreed to go back just to Spain. The French Alps were amazing in person and I imagined hunting both places ( while the wife stayed back and drank wine :))

I would love to get our daughters together someday to pose with their pre64 70's and 348's, yet I know that is a dream. Would make one hell uva magazine article. Two families decades apart raising children with the same philosophies. I know there a few families on here and other forums raising outstanding families in the outdoors. When we hear your stories it cements visions in our heads that personally a picture may ruin. When you talk of Alaska on the pack ice behind a sled dog team I have a certain vision of ( old school clothing with caribou hide). I love it.

Keep posting and hoping the health turns around quickly!

Europe, I appreciate you being here and sharing your point of view. I would be honored to sit down have a cup of coffee or tea with you just to hear your life stories. Prayers for your health improves to finish your trip.
I will concur with all the others, I appreciate and enjoy your posts. I'll open a bottle of red tonight and drink to your improved health.
April was the first woman I had interacted with that actually new about different calibers and had such amazing hunting and traveling stories. I distinctly remember reading one of the first threads on this forum and it was April talking about rifle calibers and I remember thinking "woah she knows her stuff!". My interactions with other female hunters was and is extremely limited. Her hunting adventures are so interesting to read about. She doesnt sugar coat things and is honest, the world could use much more of that. I really enjoy our chats and most definitely enjoy April's threads and music recommendations. I've definitely learned so much for her. I know as a woman in hunting, it was really awesome to talk to another woman such as April and get their perspective on different issues. I hope you continue to post April, a lot of us value your opinions and perspectives....and jokes, dont forget the hilarious jokes.

I am joining neffa 3 with a couple of glasses of burgundy. To your health and your vivid mind.

I am sorry that I was misguided in opening this thread; did not mean to commit a fault.

As was said early, your stories create their own pictures and photos are not needed. Keep the stories coming.
This was also ten years ago, wow how time flies when your having fun . I wanted to but together a 458 Lott as a gift to someone. I wanted to build it myself but had zero knowledge. She put me in touch with a rifle builder, gave me a list of items I needed and another list on where to get them. I bought all the parts and had them shipped to the fellow who would teach me, help me , put it together. When it was finished I found out he had already been paid. When I ask her what I owed her she said pay it forward --someone will need your help--help them if you can and ask them do also help someone when they need help in the future. Thanks April for the life lesson and the Lott assist

p.s. Harley, if I had to guess, bushman13, on the music thread might have been thinking about Take it Easy/Eagles.
Ladies and Gentlemen

Thank you for the kind words and support !

They are by far better than any medicine that a Doctor has prescribed for me---------THANK YOU ! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU !

Bobbydean. not to worry, but if I make it home, you can treat me to a day at the hot air ballon festival. I always enjoyed your festival in New Mexico

Richard, you know, I know and you know I know that there was a bit more to it than you eluded to in your post--- BUT, no, you are not one of the two. As to your a bit confused statement. Noharleyyet, as kind as he is, is not the only kind person I have had the pleasure of knowing. On the Cabalas forum I was fortunate enough to have a couple gentlemen help me out with posts when I requested they do so.

To address the Cabalas forum, as I have been asked via pm to please explain. It was a good forum for a long time with a lot of good people on it--BUT--the moderators lost control of it and a fellow from Wisconsin and one from W Virginia literally brought the forum to its knees. One example is Cheyenne --- you would not get Cheyenne to post a picture if her life depended on it . Her head was photoshopped onto several pictures of naked women doing various things probably like the ones on moosies back door forum to this one before Big Fin took it over. She also had stills of the photoshopped pictures sent to her employer in an effort to get her fired or at the every least embarrass her, because she had a disagreement with a fellow on the forum. Even the FBI and RCMP got involved. BTW, Pat ( pre hornet ) who posted on this thread was also attacked by the people at his place of employment. Another friend of ours had to cancel a group Elk hunt that was organized by him for several forum members because of these same fellows. It was brutal and nasty.

Back to this thread. Ladies and Gentlemen again, thank you so much for your kindness, it is appreciated. I do want you to know that I am not crying in my beer so to speak because of my current health issues. I was introduced into the meadows and streams at approx 5 years of age and just recently had to stop. 80 years of fishing, hunting, sailing, drag racing, traveling, wine tasting and laughing (thanks to my father, husband, son and daughter)---I have been allowed to love and enjoy life, "MY Way" and I thank the lord for allowing me to do so. It was explained to me at a very young age. In every life a little rain must fall. And when it does just put on your big girl pants and keep on keeping on, and I am to the best of my ability doing just that

wilm1313----LOL--that's not far off, especially the second picture. I dont use that gesture, but I have looked people in the eye and said "screw you and the horse you rode in on" and "what part of ____ __ dont you understand?" I know, not very lady like )-:

I must confess that the music thread ( thank you Ken for starting it early ) was not only appreciated but enjoyed, and, several of the tunes posted brought tears to my eyes. Happy tears of wonderful memories but tears nonetheless --THANK YOU GENTELMEN FOR THOSE TUNES. My oh my where did the years go and how did they go by so quickly. Dirtclod hopefully when I get home you can drive me through the mountains with the radio on, but if not I will head to New Mexico or Texas and ask Bobbydean or Noharley yet, to drive me around in the Ferrari with the radio on. Hopefully somebody is not afraid of fast cars ---(-;

Funny story about our first Ferrari. We paid for it but had to wait for it to arrive. This was in Newport Beach Calif. When we picked it up it had no radio and my husband could not believe we paid that much for a car and it came with no radio (-: One more funny story about the Ferrari. In those days after you passed San Bernadino on the way to Las Vegas or Palm springs, you could let those ponies run. We ask the salesman if we saw a Lamborghini pull up behind us, what should we do ( looking for a bit of racing advise)
and he said "just get out of the way" )-:

I want to thank each and every one of you for your kindness and support THANK YOU

p.s. Dave, we should add, drag racer who never took home a first place trophy )-: But we had fun (-;

p.s p.s. I LOVED the music thread--THANK YOU-- have any of you heard Bo Jangles, Sammy davis, --Remember When, The Platters--Do you remember when and class of 57, Statler Bros--Linda ( with the Eagles as her back up band ) Desperado.

I will stop and apologize for the long post but my internet time is only available to me at certain times right now ---- love you guys and gals and THANK YOU !!!
I am so pissed I didn't see this thread sooner. I can't imagine anyone having issues with anything you post and would encourage those that do, to examine their lives and make some changes.

I love your posts and please continue to do so. Also, as always, I wish you well and back to good health.
@Europe, I think you should direct a well-known Randyism at those two individuals: “You mistake me for someone who gives a d@*#!” ;)

Also, please keep coming back. We enjoy hearing from you.
You can count me in as one of April's groupies :) And Panda Bear's too. She lives in the coolest of all places (which is easy to say, when I don't live there myself) and both of them seem to have done a lot more interesting things that I have. I'm trying to catch up however.

I'm sort of new here so I just enjoy seeing what comes up in this place. Those two DEFINITELY get my interest.

Maybe we should have t-shirts and hats made up for us groupies. :)