Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Ethical or unethical


New member
May 9, 2001
To shoot a turkey while it is flying??
A turkey we had hang up on us took off and then went to the air this past spring.I am just curious if it is ok to shoot one while it is flying.The dang thing flew over the top of us but I didnt know if I should shoot or not so I didnt. :confused:
my first turkey was shot in the air it was a fall hunt witch was any turkey

i wouldnt shot one out of the air in the spring hunt witch is gobblers only
Thanks guys for the responses.He was a big gobbler for sure.We had called him within about 60 yards and couldnt get him any closer then he decided to leave.So we put a stalk on him,he spotted my dad and he took to the air after that and flew right over me,what an impressive sight to see.Next year I will shoot if I see one take to the air thanks again.
I feel that it would be absolutely ethical. Hey, killing a turkey on the wing aint that easy, by no means. If you can pull it off, more power to ya. :D
This is a toughy, but I think while it might seem ethical to some, I will just say it's unwise to do so.Turkeys are big bodied birds,quick humane kills rely on breaking the neck/spine/brain. Body shots usually wont cut it, the feathers and the mass will stop most pellets from getting to the vitals.It's too easy wounding a bird that is airborn in my opinion. There will be another day to hunt Mr.Tom
A true turkey hunter will take the time to pick a load that patterns best, go out and shoot that load at different ranges and know his limitations.Unless you practice at shooting flying turkeys in the head with a gun choked full or extra full, I would pass on that shot.

Jest my $.02 ........... AA ;)
Thanks for the info guys.It is a tuff call for sure.But I think I would rather call one in and shoot it that way.I think AA is right too much of a chance to wound the bird and I dont want that.
Does this mean we need to shoot Canada geese and Tundra Swan on the ground....instead of flight :rolleyes:

A turkey is no tougher than either of these birds.
you know, Flipper has a point here. how high was that bird when he flew over you, and how far to the side? And what load were you shooting. Lead 4's would do the job I'm sure. My .02 cents
Hey guys he wasnt very high abouv me maybe 35-40 feet off the ground when he flew almost directly over us.I did not know if we are allowed to shoot one while in flight and didnt wake to break any rules since I'd never heard of anyone shooting one in flight before.Next year I will no different if it happens again.I was shooting a 3" 2oz 6 shot shell.
I take my turkey hunting extremely seriousely, and would never kill a turkey that didn't come in with a call, but that's just me. That's what the sport is to me. That doesn't mean, by any means, that I find any problem with anyone else in the way they take their turkeys. It's a fine sport, and under the above circumstances, I still find no problem with anyone shooting him on the wing at that distance. No problem at all with it actually! I'm enjoying the various viewpoints on this subject too!

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