Episode Seven - Alaska Black Bear

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Hard to believe we are already at Episode Seven for this season. Man, time is flying by.

This episode was the most intriguing hunt of the year. It was a ton of fun, even if we were forced to fit it in to some dates that were less than optimum.

I wish Alaska translated well into video. To really absorb all its grandeur and vastness, you almost have to be there. Smell the salt spray and the rotting kelp, hear the masses of waterfowl migrating, the absence of human noises to a degree that you barely even hear many aircraft. The coolness of the dense Sitka Spruce jungles and the clarity of the water often filled with so many species of fish, only the most avid angler could identify them all.

Who would have thought we could put together this kind of a hunt that if split among three hunters could be had for less than $2,000 from your doorstep to Alaska and back home? Next year, and there will be a next year, I will go a little later and will shoot the bear of my dreams. You can take that to the bank.

Those of you who watch this may call me dumb for not shooting the one nice bear I had a chance at. It was early in the hunt and I was sure more awaited.

Had wolf season been open, you will see how easy it would have been to fill a tag on that guy. Next hunters who find him may be more likely to have a tag and open season.

We tried some new format in this one, including Troy (cameraman) as part of the episode. We almost tried too hard to incorporate that, where people think we have a third camera guy filming Troy and I. Guess Troy does too good of a job setting up the scenes. We still have some work to do to get that format down pat, but our attempts to give you more of a feel of what goes on behind the scenes will continue.

I hope you enjoy the adventure of Alaska. I sure did.

I am going back again this spring to the exact same location. I am going to bring another hunter with me and we will bag two monster black bears, now that the recon has been completed.

Wonder if anyone would be interested in a SE AK black bear hunt if all they had to pay for was their tag and their airline ticket? Probably not, if they had to put up with me and have the camera in their face all the time. My son has first dibs on the hunt, but he is non-committal at this point, so I better start looking for some fall back options.

If you want to read the "As it happened" thread, here it is. Alaska Black Bear

Here is a preview clip if you are interested. Episode 7 Teaser

Same days and times every week.

Wednesday at 11:00 am
Friday at 10:30 pm
Sunday at 3:00 pm

All times Mountain time and always on Outdoor Channel.


And with all episodes, feel free to email or contact any of the sponsors at the links below.

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And always feel free to let Outdoor Channel know what you like to see.

And if you see a company whose products we use, who are not a sponsor shown on the show or site, send them an email and ask them what they are waiting for.... another bear hunt where they have their head in the grease pot eating oats and honey? :D

I watched the teaser. Man do I want to go back to Alaska. Wish I got your show here, but get Gunsmoke reruns instead. Yeah, I know that is what I get for living in Dodge City. This is just not right.:mad:

I do enjoy the forum. Thanks for having me.
I know your kidding on the possible invite here right you will be bombarded with pm's on that one I would gladly be the first in line to tag along on that type of a deal hell Id even pay lil extra just as a token of appreciation for someone doing all the leg work.
Cant wait to see the day by day account was great sure the show will be too
Looks good. You're gonna have to set up a drawing to find the lucky one that gets to go with you next year.
What flight number should I book for next spring? I have travelocity up in another window.. :)
Just watched the episode, I like the goose comment, funny. You are correct as well, I think you shoud have shot that one bear.
Teaser looks awesome, I cant wait to see the full show. Is it possible to get a full list of gear you used?

Also were did you get the Westcomb rain Jacket?

Took a long lunch today to catch this episode live and I dvr it it was a great episode I like how you incorperated the cameraman into it and I have always wanted to do a hunt like this but never thought i could afford it but for that price it isn't a hole lot more than me going to montana to hunt a bear in the spring
Thanks for all the good shows guys and keep it up
A great episode and one of my favorites. I really liked the interaction with the cameraman and camerawork, vast journey and the remoteness but the only thing is...Bear? I just don't get it? That much time, effort and research for a bear? Don't get me wrong, I understand bear is a big deal to a lot of folks. Heck, one of my best friends would pass up a 320" Elk for a big boar any day of the week. I try to rationalize with him on this subject there is no common ground. So "lez e bon ton route"(Let the good time roll) as they say in my native Louisiana.

Keep up the good work, I love the show,,,,I can't wait for my kid's to go to bed on Wed nights so I can watch via my DVR!

A great episode . Thanks!

I understand what your saying about why bear? For me bear hunting is all I do, hell, I live here might as well do it. but for some reason, whether local, money, whatever, you mention bear in AK and folks drool over it. its AK. SE AK is where the big blackies are at. here in south central, we get some big ones but for the most part they are mainly average (5 1/2ft- to maybe pushing 6ft and alot around the 5ft area).

One of these days I'm gonna get a SE bear. visited there many times but never hunted there.
Watched the show last night, I enjoyed it and it looked like you guys really had a good time. I never knew about the high and low tide conditions up there, man that sure makes you have to think about your daily hunting schedule huh?
Another great show guys. Knowing how hard it is to record a hunt with 3 guys (2 hunters, 1 camera guy) I can tell you guys worked your butts off for that one. Some of the shots where you guys walked into the sunset, boy that took awhile to setup. The scenery was breathtaking by the way. I wish you had some time to show some of the fishing you guys did. I was kind of looking forward to that.
I need to sign up for a hunt like that one of these years. Alaska is a great place. Great show Randy.
Excellent episode! All the effort for the extra camera shots was well worth it in my book. This show was well put together!
I watched this with my 11 year old son last night. We are planning on going up there for his 12th Birthday. The show gave me a few new ideas. I love to go DIY.

Keep up the good work. Love the show!

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