Elk hunting in the Crazy Mtns, Montana


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Hippyville, Idaho
I'm looking at going some place new this year. The Crazy Mtns. Only problem is I don't know were to start. I have been down camping a few years ago. Other then that I don't have much of an idea. Anyone on here have a good place to start. I'm planning on taking a couple of backpacking trips in there this year to get a head start on familiarizing myself with the area better. Thanks in advance.
Which side of the Crazies are you looking at? The east side is all special draw and pretty much all private. The tags are fairly tough to draw and getting access can be really tough.

The west side is general tag, better public access, but there is still quite a bit of private, especially down low. There are only a couple main public access points that get hit fairly hard. If you can get to the public that is behind the private on the west side, it can be good.

Let me know if you have any specific questions..
Outfitting is not a major problem in that area (yet). There are several private leases on the east side that border the N.F. I know some guys buy the leases in order to have good access to the N.F. Phillip Morris owns the Crazy Mountain Ranch, which is a huge spread outside of Clyde Park. They took a couple of high 300 to 400 class bulls off of that place 5-6 years ago when they used to allow limited hunting, by association.. so the genetics for good bulls are there. Access is the issue.

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I've heard a guy say he waits until there are three days of frost down low which turns the alfalfa that some elk hit hard. As soon as the alfalfa turns then he said the cows and bulls start wondering and you can get them on the NF. Otherwise, I once gave the Crazy's a try for a couple of days...before I heard the alfalfa thing. I ended up down in some hole where I found an old dead horse and halter. It was such a steep dark and deep hole I wondered if I was going to end up like that horse. I'm not sure what I was thinking in that if anyone ever got an elk down there they would never get it out. My arms still hurt thinking about it because I had to use my arms just as much as my legs to climb and claw my way out of there.
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I agree with Drake4's summary. Once the snow starts to fly some of the access roads get hairy too. I know an FWP elk biologist that hunts up there because they like the area but never seems to kill an elk.
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Thanks for the replies. I'll keep that stuff in mind. I was going to head down Sat. but I'm rethinking due to snow. I've heard it's some of the hardest hunting in the state, not only due to access but the ruggedness as well. I'm determined to find a place to elk hunt that has the elk but not the hunters due to it's remoteness and being so dang rugged no one wants to hunt there. I hunted the Cabinet Mtns for a number of years with success but the wolves are getting thick up there same with the bob. If anyone knows of any other places let me know. I kinda of pride myself in being the one who does stuff that most say is to hard, you can't do it without horses, or near impossible. I know the Crazies have the elk and lack the people, not to mention the ruggedness. I'm looking at the area's just behind privet and higher on the southern side of them. One area I'm looking at is the Rock creek drainage. Long hike into it and even longer pack out.
Its a beautiful range, that is for sure. Watch the rocks, I think a goat hunter fell to his death there a few years ago.

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