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elimi tick clothing and new member


New member
Aug 23, 2010
Orange Co., Virginia
Hunters, Have anyone tried Gamehides new elimi tick hunting clothes? I was wondering if it works. Small game season is about to open here in Virginia and every year I fight ticks and chiggers and if this stuff would keep those off, it may be worth the price.
Thank you and happy hunting.
Never tried them but if you're only concerned with small game and don't care what you smell like, you could wipe some oil of euchalyptus or camphor about your feet, ankles and wrists and pretty much eliminate the threat. In the event you get bitten by either, mix up a poultice of bentonite and raw honey, apply to a large bandaid and paste over the bite. Do this a couple of times or until you've noticed NO itching and you should be good to go. You can get the bentonite at a shop which deals in wine & beer making supplies. This works for spider bites as well.
This procedure is not endorsed by the AMA, but they probably wouldn't discourage it either. The bentonite is the major active ingredient in acne medicine.There's also a honey from New Zealand called Medi-honey which works wonders on bites and wounds. Comes from a certain plant found there, but I don't know how available it is in US.
Probably more than you wanted to know, but the advice is free. I also conjure off warts, but I charge for that.
elimi tick clothing

Thanks Tar heel for your advice, but I use small game season to get ready for whitetail. I was scouting earlier this week and sprayed my clothes with OFF, but I must have missed some spots and now have a good case of chiggers. I'm using Chiggererx plus on them, which reduces the itching for a while before the little boogers go back to what they do best; itch. I do not want to use your bandaid method on some of the places the chiggers homesteaded. Lets say a dog licks his. Take care and happy hunting.
I'm most familiar with their penchant for heading to the warmer and more moist regions, but they like the waistband, backs or knees, and any other tight area should you sit down for any period of time while they're looking for a perch. Those areas you can scratch without embarrassment or excessive explanation., but would at least be candidates for the plasters.
I grew up in the pine flats and blackwater river swamps in the eastern part of the state, and they were just a part of life down there. This might sound just a bit country, but we would tie a strip of rag around each ankle which had been liberally doused with kerosene. Crude, yes, but works very well. Maybe your womenfolk would let you back in the house following use of that method.
I think our U S MARINES who have to spend days out in the field down at Jacksonville (LeJeune) should get an automatic decoration, something around the importance of the Bronze Star, for having to endure them.
Good luck with your scouting and Bambi season. (Which county?)
go to here and buy the permethrin 10% concentrate.
get some spray bottle and dillute it down to .5 percent (20 to 1) with water. Spray your clothes well and let them dry. Should repel ticks for a few weeks.
I use this method, much cheaper than the pre-mixed stuff marketed for humans, and it is the same thing for a small fraction of the price. It works, and very well.
I've had a pair of the pants/long sleeve shirt for the last two years. Stuff really works, I've spent 8 or 9 days sitting on the ground turkey hunting and have yet to pull a tick. The year before that I'd find 5-10 ticks a day on me.
Thanks Schmalts! Had never heard of that and sounds like this is going to be a tick year. Always nice to learn something new.
go to here and buy the permethrin 10% concentrate.
get some spray bottle and dillute it down to .5 percent (20 to 1) with water. Spray your clothes well and let them dry. Should repel ticks for a few weeks.
I use this method, much cheaper than the pre-mixed stuff marketed for humans, and it is the same thing for a small fraction of the price. It works, and very well.

Good call schmalts. Permethrin works great. I've used it in Iraq and many other locations around the globe over the years with positive results. I treated my outer most garments but not my undergarments! I would urge users to be cautious though in it's use. Read the warning and discontinue use if you start to observe a rash or start feeling sick.