Elections..your state


New member
Jan 22, 2003
Just wondering what topic/topics are dominating the upcoming elections in your state... In Arizona its no surprise that "illegal immigration" is the big fight and #1 topic.... Now even the Democrats are running adds telling how tough they will be.....this is about the worst mud-slinging and cheap shot name calling and some outright lies that i have ever seen... both sides are spending Millions to make the other guy look bad....My curiousity makes me wonder what its like where you live.:eek:
Illegal immigration, school funding...a dimwit incumbent, a granny, & a kinky vying for gov....what a circus.
Main issue here is sale of public lands in order to exclude the public from using them for hunting. The GOP is all about selling off the public lands and ending hunting in Idaho like it is in Texas.
AZ Elections

I am not very involved in politics, but it has gotten rediculous here in AZ as far as the mudslinging goes. All they do is rip on each other and say they have a better plan. No info on what the plan is, we are just supposed to believe it is better. Same BS by every cannidate both sides. Makes it hard to pick the lesser of 2 evils.
I'd say up here it is the natural gas pipeline and which candidate can pull off the deal with the oil companies, otherwise its the same frivilious BS that goes into any election.
All the usual drivel...a lot around election reform....most of the airtime is on whether Ahhhhnold is going to keep his office or not. I'm sure that, wrapped around/inside each issue will be an ample supply of public give away programs and other "great ideas" to further hamstring our school systems...|oo fuggin state!

Here's a list of Cali's state propositions:

Proposition 1A - Earmarks gas sales tax funds for use on transportation programs only

Proposition 1B - $20 billion bond for transportation improvements

Proposition 1C - $2.85 billion bond for low-income housing and shelters

Proposition 1D - $10 billion bond for public education facilities improvements

Proposition 1E - $4 billion bond for levee improvements and flood control

Proposition 83 - Mandates residency restrictions and GPS monitoring for sex offenders

Proposition 84 - $5 billion bond for safe drinking water, flood protection and park improvements
Proposition 85 - Requires parental notification for minors terminating pregnancy

Proposition 86 - Tax on cigarettes; provides funding for hospital emergency services

Proposition 87 - Tax on oil producers; provides funding for alternative energy research

Proposition 88 - $50 per parcel property tax; provides public school funding for K-12

Proposition 89 - Public funding for political campaigns; corporate tax increase

Proposition 90 - Limits ability of government to acquire private property and regulate land use
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