Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Ducks Unlimited Baquet


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
One of the guys that works for me from time to time is a Co-Chairman for a local Ducks Unlimited Chapter, He asked for some help in sponorship money and I bought a couple of tickets also. The wife said I should take Travis my 15 year old and have a good time, OK. Here is what got to me early on, everyone is here to raise money....but we also are exposing our children to what it takes to assure our hunting future, but the languge that these guys were using around the tables was beyond Foul, F-this, M-F that. Has it gotten to the point that people don't realize they are offensive or is it that they just don't care? Travis is in High School, he hears these things, I'm not that crazy. I finally asked my son if he was ready to leave and he was, I don't think he was comfortable hearing stuff like that sitting next to his father. So, we left without Bidding and so DU lost out on that part of it. What is your take on the way one should handle social events where Families hear stuff like this? John
John, our DU yearly moneyraiser is strictly a fundraiser..that being said, nothing short of a table dance is utilized to sell raffle tickets & stimulate the bidding.
Camo hooters outfits & liquor...pretty risque....but effective. Wouldn't think kids a good idea.
Went to the DU here and it was a friggin joke. It was a status thing with all the money people. They wouldn't even talk to you unless you were one of their money friends. Any other time of the year, they are nice to you when they see you. The same people that wouldn't give you the time of day at DU, were very friendly at at the RMEF banquet one week later. The Trout Unlimited Banquet is said to be the same way here. We will not be attending another one around here.
Same here Bill...the guys in the 200$ safari shirts win the berettas. The lawyers buy the limo chauferred dove hunts. The electric & beer company execs buy the art. :)
I've been to was enough.
Thats the reason (don't get me wrong, I think they do good things with the $$ that is raised) I quit DU and joined CWA out here (California Waterfowl Association). The money stays a bit closer to home and the outings/fundraisers are a lot more family oriented.

Most of the DU banquets I've been too were as described above and I'm sure it works as a money factory but not a family event IMHO.