Dubya wipes out


Dec 23, 2000
Bush injured in fall from mountain bike at Texas ranch
12:48 AM EDT May 23
CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - President George W. Bush suffered cuts and bruises early Saturday afternoon while mountain biking on his Texas ranch.

He was on the 26th kilometre of a 27-kilometre ride when he fell, said White House spokesman Trent Duffy.

Bush suffered minor abrasions and scratches on his chin, upper lip, nose, right hand, and both knees, Duffy said. The accident occurred while he was riding with members of the Secret Service and his personal physician, Dr. Richard Tubbs.

After Tubbs cleaned his scratches, Bush finished the ride.
I heard that too, but is this news???

Who cares?

Bush gets a few scratches from a bike ride, while his military is busy catching shrapnel and bullets. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I find it hard to believe that Dubya was "26th kilometre of a 27-kilometre ". Why that is just un-American for the President to be riding for Kilometers.....

Pretty funny, Dubya falls off his bike in one of the flattest states in the nation.... While Kerry, when he vacations, comes out to Idaho, straps on the snowshoes, and climbs in the Backcountry to "earn his turns" for skiing back down...

I wonder if Cheney was on hand to get Dubya one of them Patriotic band-aids with the stars and stripes on them, or if he had to settle for the Peanuts band-aid....
Originally posted by Nut:
I take it that Bush won't be entering into the Tour de France?
Nahhh... Dubya is not welcome in most countries of the world. Look at his lack of travel. Look how difficult it was for him to got to London. He has burned too many bridges to be participating in the Tour de France.

I just hope there is no anti-American sentiment directed toward Lance Armstrong's efforts this year. It would be a shame for somebody to make a political statement and cost him the Tour.
"I just hope there is no anti-American sentiment directed toward Lance Armstrong's efforts this year. It would be a shame for somebody to make a political statement and cost him the Tour." -- EG

Why EG; you are doing such a marvelous job of representing the ugly American; why would you be concerned about some jock getting a show of attitude?? :D You really are a jerk aren't you??
I'll bet your kids will be some real hum dingers. Probably make Tony Soprano look like a saint! :(
I bet there's going to be anti American stuff at the Olympics in the summer. We need to support the athletes politely somehow.
To make him take a look in the mirror and think about what his attitude breeds.
Originally posted by pawclaws:

Why EG; you are doing such a marvelous job of representing the ugly American; why would you be concerned about some jock getting a show of attitude?? :D You really are a jerk aren't you??
That is pretty dang funny, that only Paws would consider somebody who has to shave their legs and wears Lycra to be a Jock.

I am not sure where he gets his Insecurity/Inferiority complex from, but I don't take it too seriously. I am pretty sure there are better evaluators of my parenting skills than some bitter old man in Ohio. (Err... ;) Nut, that wasn't meant to be you, as I don't think you are bitter.... nor old... ;) )
EG my inferiority is not a complex; it is a fact of life. In my life insecurity simply does not exist. Bitter? Yes, most definitely. Bitter and disappointed. But I'm not going to dwell on it. There is one more word I'd like to share with you EG. It is "reprobate." Look it up. I'm done.
While my destiny indeed will be based on my personal worthlessness; I was referring to your present mortal existance.

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