Dubya to End Elk Hunting in Wyoming

One was against the law, the other wasn't....

And if you work for the DNC (or RNC) is that the same as working for Kerry (or Bush)?

Is there much of a difference? And the "get out the vote" group is not really a non-partisan 527 now, is it? It is an anti-Bush organizatuion the same as the Swift boat vets is ant-Kerry.

Here is an article on The Media Fund =

ROFLMAO, you all know elkgunner won't answer anymore question then Ithaca will.
Out of the three of them only Buzz has the ball's to let everyone know what he does and he is willing to answer question's.

At least he doesn't see the need to take punch's on other poster's then go hide a keyboard like Elkgunner & Ithaca does.
He is man enough to kick you in the face and let you see who did it. LOL

What did you guy's use to hide behind when you were younger and ran off at the mouth ? Your Mommy?
The late night (call em and hang up when someone answered trick ) LOL
Ithica is quite open about what it is he does, and he has also shown plenty of pics of animals he got being "Self Guided".....
So that leaves gunner standin by hissef!!!! ;)
Hey MD,
Still haven't figured out who won the Sierra Club elections??? Are you still afraid of them??? LMAO!!!

Hey Cheese,
YOu figured out what this thread was about yet???
What do you think of Dubya doing to the Elk hunting???
What does it matter what you ask, you deserve no answers to any thing from any one until you start answering the ones put to you first, and besides the one I have asked over and over, with no end...
There have been quite a number of others asked that you have never defended or maybe thought you were to good to answer....
So, you first.... ;)

How did I stab Moosie in the back?
It must be a bit overwhelming for you to see all these topics, and see all the debate/discussion, and realize that you don't have a "clue" what the issues are...
Pretty empty comment by you gunner....

Lets see some answers from you....

Or it is just hot air coming off your posts...

Well that's nothing new...

How is it I stabbed Moosie in the back?
Elgkunner, are you saying we shouldn't let the fact that these radical's are out there trying to get elected in these club bother us?

It sound much like your position on the Pres. Election --------keep in under wrap's ,we don't want anyone to understand anything about ther other side?
------you rip Idaho for having a one party system LOL ,isn't that what you are trying to do in all your post's?

The bigger threat to hunting are the people you support ,those that back more gun laws' and animal right's group's.

"Are you still afraid of them??? LMAO!!!"

I wouldn't use the term "afraid of them "but I do think other people should have the chance to see what type of people are trying to weasle there way into these group's to change them.

The only fear I feel around this place is comming from Elkgunner & Ithaca the fear of not being right all the time,the fear of people supporting Bush,the fear that not everyone blindly dropped on all four's to worship your wisdom.
If it's not fear then why do you boy's feel the need to use the rabid dog approch to anyone you can't change?
If it's not fear ,is it just plain hate?
Oh my God Debbie!!!!
So many questions at once...
He has problems answering any thing that he can't cut and paste, you may need to ask him some thing else that can be looked up.... ;)
I would like to answer that last on though, seeing as it is some thing that will have to be answered with out a search engine...
!!! H A T E !!!
Would more than likely be the answer...
You are supposed to hate any thing you don't fully understand or can't quantify inside of a box...
OK, I have been visiting Hunt Talk ever sence Moosie first started it but I have always been content to read and look at the pictures.
I keep visiting the SI section to see what issues I should be aware of. I always hope to be able to here some informed people talk about the pro's and con's of a issue so that I will have some info on which to form my opionion.
Once and awhile this actually happens. However, the one opinion that keeps geting stronger each time I visit is that for the most part those that post in the SI section are just a bunch of "know it all" school kids calling each other names and yelling my dad is better than your dad!
I realize some of you just like to push the other guys buttons, and some of you need to control your temper and respect others right to there opionion.
I would just like to see some of these topics provide some good information so those of us that would like to understand an issue might actualy get something from the discussion.
I say this in hopes that the quality of this section will improve. Anybody can resort to name calling be they stupid, smart, well read or illiterate. You just cheapen the value of your opinion when you resort to name calling.

Welcome aboard, and I too share your concern. Glad to see you have "crossed over to the dark side" and actually posted in SI. It has amazed me that we have had people wanting to sue other people, find out employers, post people's addresses, threaten to kick a**es all because of their insecurity over their opinions on these issues.

For the most part, if you ignore the troublemakers, you can still find good information, and some intelligent posts. At times the ratio of "wheat to chaff" gets a bit low, but there are always some nuggets of "wheat" in many of these topics. Some of the information shared in here is incredibly valuable and provides perspectives one might never have thought of.

I will also say that 90% of the people in here are good people, and I would gladly share a hunting day or a beer with many of them. Unfortunately, like any population in life, there are the other 10% that I wouldn't waste the gas to back-up and run over them a second time.... ;)

Glad to see you have "crossed over to the dark side" and actually posted in SI. And next thing you know, you too will soon be able to "push buttons".... :D

The other thing that bothers me when I see it posted is the "obscene" language, that gets posted. I would like to think new hunters (ie.. Juniours) could read in SI about issues that are important to consider for hunting, without seeing much of the crap that a few post. If it doesn't get a PG-13 rating, perhaps it should be re-written. I assure you, I would never let my 11 year old read the stuff in SI.

And finally, I think everybody who posts here should ask how this reflects on hunters to the 80% apathetic people in the country. Would you want your posts to be seen by the 80%? It amazes me when I see racist, bigoted, and similar comments, that have nothing to do with hunting/fishing. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.... :rolleyes:
Thanks Elkgunner. You may not know it yet but we know each other. However, you seem to be one of the biggist instigators in this section. You love to push buttons. I dont know if you had any brothers or sister growing up but if you did I'll bet you kept things stired up real good. Your poor mother. I say that in fun! Im sure I'll see you in the next few weeks and maybe even hunt together.
Welcome aboard DEADI270 Glad you finally stepped into the fray...
Well then unless your an imposter... :eek: ;)

gunner, it's obsene that you are one of the biggest name callers on this board and this seems to bother you? Don't like competition?

Come on now, You seem to be the one that creates all of this nasty talk and what not. I would more guess that you don't let your child read any thing in this area because you aren't condusive to helping to keep the environment of the SI section to the lofty goals you have just so stated...

It starts with you buddy, every time your gone, or don't post much, the SI section calms down and the nasty name calling pretty much goes away...

It is you bud that creates the air in here, matter of fact, most of the "Nasty Comments" are directed at you personally. I would consider you put yourself into that 10% catagory just by your actions, and that holier than though statement...

Actions speak louder than words, and in the words of one of the state modo's...

"Show me"

Show me the statement you just made is true to your heart, show me and others on the board the courtesy that we deserve as much as you feel it is owed to you, show me you can take your posts and pull them out of the grade school bully level, and show me that you are actually talking about yourself when speaking of the wheat and chaf.

The comment about killing some one by running them over, (Yes, I did read the whole piece you wrote, including this statement, and will do as you do and gleen what I want out of it) really show's your inner self and what you think about others that don't agree with you. I would also state that the 90% that post on here you mention of, don't want to be continually slammed by you, so they try to stay out of posting much of any thing, especially if it is what they believe and it doesn't go along with your narrow approach to life.

Come on now, your supposed to be a smart feller, think about it....

So before you come on here with a high and mighty post that you just can't stand how others are degrading you and yours, you need to clean out your own house and delouse your own closets first.

Show us by actions that you can be the better man, your posts sure haven't shown it....
OK enough of the he said she said stuff and talk about the issues.
if you all want to belittle each other we have this thing called private message aka Pm

August 28-29 Story

Citizens decry oil, gas leases

By Rebecca Huntington

Former Jackson resident Steve Dicenso moved to Alpine last fall because of the unrivaled recreational opportunities ­ from mountain biking to snowmobiling to hiking ­ found in the Wyoming Range.
"I've moved my life to Alpine because of this range," Dicenso said Thursday among a standing-room-only crowd in the Teton County Commission Chambers.
Dicenso was one of several citizens from across northwestern Wyoming who attended Thursday's meeting to decry a plan by the Bridger-Teton National Forest to sell oil and gas leases on more than 150,000 acres in the range.

Jen Lamb, of the National Outdoor Leadership School, described how her nonprofit group uses lands, now slated for leasing which could lead to roads, pipelines and drill pads, to teach backcountry skiing and winter camping.

"We are a big fan of roadless areas, they provide us with our best classrooms," Lamb said, noting that NOLS is the third-largest employer in Fremont County.

Barry Reiswig, who spoke as a private citizen but manages the National Elk Refuge, gave an impassioned plea to save areas such as Cliff Creek Falls, Hoback Peak and Ramshorn Peak from the industrialization that comes with drilling.

"We sure as hell don't need any more roads in the last best place in the state," Reiswig said. "Once a place like this is gone, it ain't ever coming back, and there are very few places like this left."

Tourist Rick Leiding, of Danville, Ill., postponed his trip to Yellowstone National Park to attend Thursday's meeting after reading about the lease sales in the newspaper, he said. Leiding started calling every conservation group he knows, from Ducks Unlimited to Whitetails Unlimited, and was planning a fund-raiser to support efforts to stop leasing in the Wyoming Range, he said.

"As an American citizen and a lover of the land, I am appalled," Leiding said. "This thing will go national. This is wrong, very wrong."

Citizens asked forest officials to pull the leases until there is a thorough environmental study of potential impacts and formal public comment.

But Bridger-Teton Supervisor Kniffy Hamilton said it was too late.

Environmental lawyers at the meeting disagreed, saying the Supreme Court has ruled that the Forest Service does retain discretion to make such decisions.

Hamilton has authorized Bureau of Land Management to auction the leases, some within 25 miles of Jackson, during sales in October and December. Leasing could come as close to Jackson as Cliff Creek in the Hoback Canyon, extend west to upper Star Valley and south beyond Big Piney.

Of the 157,658 acres slated for leasing, 70,331 would carry a no-surface occupancy stipulation, which means companies would have to do directional drilling from another parcel to extract oil and gas. But more than half of the leases would allow surface disturbances such as roads. Conservationists are concerned that 92,018 acres slated for leasing occur in inventoried roadless areas.

Citizens asked Hamilton if she was pressured by the Bush administration to speed up leasing in the Wyoming Range.

Hamilton said she did receive direction from Washington, D.C., but stressed that leasing is part of her agency's mission. "We are not the park service. Our mission is a multiple-use agency, and we're going to have some kind of development," she said.

Respond to theis article by e-mailing [email protected]
It is amazing that Hamilton (who authorized the leases) can't stop this stupid idea.

It looks like the only way is for EarthJustice (or a similar group) to file the lawsuits and stop the destruction of Elk hunting in Wyoming.
I sent an e-mail to the managing attorney for Earth Justice in the Montana office last week. Asking if they had a position on hunting, and if so, a link.

The reply back today was the Earth Justice does not have a position on hunting.

Do your own research on who you give money to, but a group that fights to protect the animals and the places we like to hunt should be supported by all hunters.

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