Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Do you gut youe Elk and deer ?

If it is something I am going to have mounted, I usually do it the gutless method, if not I usually gut it after I have it on the game pole. For deer anyways.

Haven't had the opportunity on an elk yet, but will probably gut it in the field when that time comes.
What's a youe elk?

"youe" is ol' latin..........

Pronunciation: \ˈyü, in rural dials also ˈyō\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin ewe, from eiwe "ass"

Date: 15th century

1 : extremely or utterly foolish
2 : of, relating to, or resembling an ass

....I figured if anyone would know that word, it would be "ewe" ;)
Why of course...it makes them easier to drag and easier to hang in the cooler.

But if I were a elk killer...then no...I would not. The only thing inside of there are 2 little strips of tenderloin.
Deer, Gut after skinning on the Pole. Less Hair and easier clean up. Elk get done the gutless method. Plus back at Deer Camp their is always somebody that will pull out their knife and say "I have skinned 37 Elk and 53 Deer with this knife and it will still shave!" Get with it Bubba! John
In some states (not AZ), it's not legal to quarter an animal and you have to field dress the animal the traditional way. I believe Wisconsin is one of those states.

Gut, skin, quarter...cut the torso in two pieces w/out cutting thru straps....bring all back to processor in Tx on ice & a few pieces of dry ice to help.
Well, I don't like to have Coyote bait next to my stands. This is back east where we just don't walk off and never return to the same spot until the next year. I do not think the smell or sight of a gut pile messes with the Deer, they see it all year long. One last little tibbit, Hogs...we pick one area and that is where we put our "leftovers". You can't equate what you do on Endless Acres as opposed to the Hundreds that we hunt back east. John
You lost me. Why haul a critters guts back to camp?

It isn't camp here. It's our farm. If we leave our guts out in the woods our dogs(now dog,only one left) will surely find them. We ask others who hunt our property to not gut them in the woods either. We bring it back to the shop where we can put it all in a barrel and bury it.
For internal heat problems that can be associated(bone sour), I prefer to gut.
gutless bone method is the only way to go hump I bone out even if I am next to a road, it leaves all the carcass there, plus I am going to have to do it eventually anyway.
Gut on the spot.

Did the "gutless" method once. It was quick, but by the time you skinned out the backstraps, boned the neck and skinned down to get the rib meat it didn't seem to save much time. I hate leaving tenderloins anyway.

In Africa the guts go back to the skinning shed, but they don't throw them away-like Moosie said....."soup".

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